
Do You Accept This Mission?

When Jake resurfaced at the surface of the dying star, Hade and Asfrid could tell by his still agitated countenance that something had happened below. But when they saw him shaking his head they refrained from inquiring further.

They boarded the ship and a few seconds later the planet Quanoth and the colossal Aurae showed up in their field of vision. After getting off the ship, it sped away on autopilot to bring the other refugees to safety as originally planned.

"Ready to go back?" Asfrid swallowed listlessly as she sighted the Mana Storm, which had expanded significantly in a few hours.

Now, a good quarter of the Shatug Empire was also covered. Those who had been enjoying the sunlight until then must have succumbed to panic when the sun was magically extinguished. If some still had doubts about the impending apocalypse, they now had no choice but to believe in it.

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