
Chapter 33: Julie's Choice

He stated that he was here to find doctors and medication. Saving survivors were only a side mission.

He gave out very tempting offers to the Doctors which was something that I could only hope for but Unfortunately, I am not a doctor.

After saving us and bringing us down to the lower floors clearing out the floors he had us go back up to the 3rd floor because of zombies being blocking the passages on the 2nd floor.

Everyone else quickly made their way onto the safe 3rd floor. But I stayed behind a little while longer and had my ears focused. Why? Because I saw the man with a gun call for a Doctor to stay behind.

Due to that, I knew that something was going on so I stayed behind to eavesdrop to know what is happening.

I heard something about knocking and saw a hand over of a firearm.

I know now that the man named Dr. David received a gun from the man and was to protect the remaining doctors from harm.

I quickly thought about the reason the man had to do all this, I thought about what he's thinking about and the more I thought the more understood my circumstances.

I figured out why he gave the doctors passes and why he split the doctors from the rest of the group. Why he gave a firearm to a doctor and why he let the doctors and other survivors go to the 3rd floor together.

After realizing what he planned to do I knew that I couldn't do anything about his plan for it would probably cause problems and I would become one of the people he sets his eyes on. If he sets his eyes on me then my child will have no chance of surviving.

So I simply had to make it a situation favorable to me while having his objective realized.

This man wants the doctors to rely on only him. He wants to be able to make them only trust him. He wants to make himself into there savior by saving them from a dangerous situation. The dangerous situation was also meticulously planned by him and he has a back up to save the doctors in case anything goes wrong.

This man is scary. He's trying to make everyone into his puppets. To do that he implemented a variety of scenarios to make it happen.

He had the doctors betray the other survivors by having them raise their hands for him. This makes a wall between the doctors and the other survivors.

He had the doctors get a Pass which can save a survivor's life but make it valuable so the Doctors will become too selfish to give it away for charity.

He had made a situation in which a group of traitors and a group of betrayed together and gave them time to talk and be together.

He set a stage so that everyone is his puppet dancing to his tune.

He even set up a backup plan in case anything was to go wrong.

This man is scary.

He did all he did because he wants the other survivors such as me to do something bad to the Doctors so that he can save the day and save the doctors. He can then have the Doctors become more reliant on him. Doing this makes their impression of him become better and have them mark him as the good guy in their eyes or their savior.

But despite knowing what he is planning I can't prevent it or else he might just kill all of the survivors because of anger. I already know that he isn't normal from when he healed his hand on top of the roof.

Others might think that it is but a simple magic trick or maybe he didn't stab himself. But I know better than to think that. He most likely did heal himself within that short 10 seconds. This man has most likely some sort of power. Just like me...

But the question now is what should I do.

I think about various possibilities and the only one which comes to mind leaves me with an outcome that ensures the highest survival chance for my baby.

I know I can't beat him, I know he will probably kill all the remaining survivors which include me and my son when someone decides to take revenge on the doctors when he isn't here. I have 2 choices now one is to escape with my son. We can try to escape or get away from here so that we won't be involved with the other survivors when he comes to take care of the situation. Two... is the one with the highest chance of my son and me surviving.

I make up my mind. I closed in on the Doctor who he handed the gun over to.

On my way towards him, I started pleading with every doctor nearby.

"Please, a doctor at least save my son, he's only 6 please."

The first doctor who I pleaded with was displeased with being asked this and doesn't look me in the eye.

I know he's already made up his mind to not give away his pass but despite knowing that, I still wanted to try. I look for other doctors for help and start pleading. But none of the doctors answered mine pleads.

When I made my way to the last doctor who had the gun, I pleaded once again but after I finished pleading he did something that no one understood.

The man drops a gun.

I quickly grabbed the gun and pointed the gun at the doctors and ordered.

"Hands up!"

The chance of me surviving with my son if we were to run are low, as this man said he was going to burn the building down. Meaning it'll attract zombies towards this location and only he can bring us out of here alive. So the chance of escaping from here with my son is low. The only choice I have is the last one.

I changed both the synopsis and the title. I was told that this title was more clickbaity. I'll also soon draw a new Cover so it'll stand out more then this random cover photo I made.

Apocalypse_GODcreators' thoughts
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