
Chapter 22: New Plan

After the Zombies Broke into the once heavily armed US Bases they had started filling their stomachs with food, for they were starving. Most of the Zombies didn't have a good meal in the first month because most of the humans were in hiding or were behind these walls.

That day was a day of disaster. The US army thought that they would be able to soon get rid of the zombies and get their normal life back. This is because the Bases had gotten in contact with all their military forces to come back and help kill off the zombies.

The US Army had just called back all the army they sent to other countries. If you don't know the US has the strongest military in the world. Calling back all the military forces in the world would make killing off the Zombies as easy as pie.

But after the zombies evolved and the bases lost connections with the forces coming back and then had to face the hordes of Tier 1 Zombies.

Most of the civilians that the US army had saved became a pile of bones in a matter of seconds and so they had to make the most reasonable decision and had to abandon the Base.

After Abandoning the once heavily fortified base they had decided to go down near the Hudson River where there were boats.

The reason why I believe that the Queensboro Bridge would make a good base of operations is that in my past life the military used it as theirs, and for a good reason too, it is connected to Manhattan, The Queens, and the River. There are boats along the bottom docks of the river.

Zombies can't swim, so with the military personnel being strengthened in the apocalypse, their bodies can stand a jump from the bridge to the water without dying. This means that even if the bridge was surrounded by Zombies the Army could simply jump into the water and escape easily.

There is also an especially good reason why bridges are a good spot in this Zombie Apocalypse for me. I became an ESP controller of water after my evolution in the blood rain. I was one of the few who gained an ESP ability after the baptism of blood rain.

The blood rain wasn't only a disaster for humanity but kind of a blessing as well, all humans that didn't turn into a zombie after being baptized in the blood rain gained ESP Abilities.

But unfortunately, the blood rain wasn't a true blessing, for the blood rain at that time was something that humans feared. The moment the red clouds came out on that fateful day most of the humans quickly went to find shelter to avoid it. Due to the rain seeming like blood most of the humans in the world feared to even touch it, they feared that it would turn them into Zombies.

The rain therefore mostly affected the Zombies more.

I remember that after the US army had failed in there the first part of Conplan 8888 they were trying to try again.

But after being unable to reach out to more help which they got an answer from before the Blood rain, some of the Soldiers in the Army started to grow restless.

They grew restless for a variety of reasons first was the desperation that it was the end of the world. Originally they still had hoped to bring the world back on track but after they lost communications with the reinforcements they thought that there wasn't any point at all following the orders of their superiors. The second was that they were low on food and the Plan of the captain at the time was to continue with the plan 8888 and continue to help all civilians.

If you don't know Civilians saved by the army mean more mouths to feed and more mouths to feed means less food for them.

After 1 month of having the soldiers scavenge for food and the survivors simply increasing while doing close to nothing, some soldiers had enough, they confronted the Captain in charge of the Base to not let any survivors in anymore but because the Captain's last order was to continue with the plan he refused. The captain believed that reinforcements were coming but a larger portion of the soldiers already gave up on the idea that they would receive reinforcements.

After a group of Soldiers had enough of being hungry and being forced to scavenge food for a bunch of good for nothing civilians they revolted.

The first Revolt surprisingly succeeded because a lot of soldiers had become sick and tired of having to scavenge for food and believed that help wasn't coming.

The Bridge which was once the base of the army and accepted survivors kicked all useless survivors out while leaving behind only the ones that worked. They made the Bridge into a Tollway Passage and had all the survivors who wished to pass needing to give resources or work for them in exchange for passage through there base.

This was basically how the US Army turned into a bunch of Bandits.

The Bandits thrived with all the food they gained as many people wanted to run from the Queens to Manhattan for there was a less amount of Zombies there. That's why I believe this will be the perfect location to set up base. If I utilize the bandit's strategy and made the bridge into my camp first then I can make my first pot of gold in the Zombie apocalypse.

The Army will come here only after the change meaning that they will be carrying weapons and supplies. If anyone has Weapons then the military certainly has a lot of them.

If I could eliminate the Soldiers before they become Bandits then isn't that a good deed for all of humanity? I could even receive a large number of supplies from them as well.

A dark smile creeps upon my face while thinking about how many weapons I can receive after taking out the Army.

My new mission will be to take over the Queensboro Bridge. Takedown the army and loot their supplies!!!

"Supplies oh supplies what a wonderful thing you are."

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