
Freddy krueger?!

"There hasn't been any customers since this morning...huh?"Siddenly all the cctv's in the monitor shuted down,confused Hanisah walked out of the manager's room and tried to see why they were all shuted down.

She walked at the end of the building right in front of the Electricity box which was hidden behind some shelfs.

Hanisah stopped on her tracks as she saw mr.fluffy waving at her"Wow! fluff dude,that's a new move you just did there"

She walked towards mr.fluffy and stopped mid way as she felt vhills running down her spine.A knife went past her at the exact spot from where she was standing before moving away after a few seconds.

Both human and cat looked at the direction of where the knife was thrown from.Walking from the dark corner,Aisha lokked at Hanisah with a glare before asking

"Why aren't you shock seeing as to i am the murderer?"Hanisah looked at Aisha in the eyes as she joked before swiftly picking up mr.fluffy and ran for dear life"freddy krueger?"

Aisha stood there for a second as she thought of what Hanisah had just siad,before long she joined the chase as she smiled talkeing to her self"that's kinda true..."

Hanisah ran quiet fast but was never fast enough as Aisha was now on her tail.Before she knew it,she ran to a dead end with two shelves on the sides and a female version of freddy krueger on the front.

Aisha chuckled"I won't kill you yet because i'll let you guys decide on how you die"."huh!?"Hanisah and mr.fluffy looked at Aisha in disbelief'this woman is palying SnM right now'

Both human and cat thinked alike as Aisha continued"you guys could either i let the human go and the cat can be my new scarf or the cat can eat his owner up once i turned her into stew"Hanisah tried to protest before mr.fluffy's eyes started sparkling.

"Meow~"Shock came over,as Hanisah tried to imagine her own cat eating her up as stew"You-you backstabber,thinking of yourself while also thinking of eating me!"

Just like that,Hanisah and mr.fluffy glared at each other before a slight 'swish' stopped them from pouncing in on one anther.

"Like pet,Like owner,both of them are too stupid"She Aisha smiled as the two victims gasped in shock.

Two knives were sticking on each sides as if it was aiming for their head.Just then,Hanisah remembered the flours she carried in her pocket for 'Prank/Bored used only'.

"We can talk later once your eyes recovered!!"Hanisah threw the flour right on Aisha's face before carrying mr.fluffy and continued to dash toward the exit without looking back.

Meanwhile,Aisha was struggling to stand up as the flour covered her eyes causing the pain she felt,careful not to rub her eye,She grabbed a ham of her cloth and wiped her face.

Aisha gazed at the half blurred place as she hurriedly rushed back to her room before Zahirah could figure anything out....

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