
Chapter 2 - My Name?

At this moment, if one were to be able to look past the surrounding swirls of chaotic energy, they would see a rather handsome young man naked in what appears to be the fetal position. The young man shows no signs of life, no breathing, no sound, no pulses. If any doctor were to look at him, they would definitely conclude that the young man was dead despite his corpse being in near-perfect condition.

The next moment, the void fluctuates and a octopus-like figure appeares out of nowhere.

"What's this? A Human! Why is a weak member of an Unbanished race here? Hmm, alright little thing. Let me have a peep at your memories. Don't be mad at me ,kay?"

The figure twists it's tentacles before attaching them onto Zamd's head and starts to look through its memories, exclaiming at how boring Zamd's life experience was until it stumbled onto something. Zamd's point of death.

"Hmm, lived a normal Human's life in a small world with nearly no Laws created. Learned winemaking, woodworks and candlemaking. How boring. Found love and proposed after completing his major, took on Master-level craftsmaking. Marriage after graduation. Started a bar after marriage. Made some very nice wine. Ahh, that taste isn't too shabby. Met his nation's king after he heard of this fellow's good wine's reputation. Fathered a child, no wait two children. Ah, here's where he nears his death. Wife raped and cut until she bled to death, second child died from pressure exerted on the womb during the raping. First child was beaten to death. Searched on the streets for the murderer and posted notices. Was gagged and knocked unconcious while roaming the streets, looking for the killer of his family. Questions his existence and harbors immense hatred for the killers. Killers turned out to be his parents. Near death, woah, what in the name of the Corrupting Chaos was that? A sacrifice? No, it can't be! A sacrifice of one's 'heart'. This kid is crazy. Doesn't he know that the 'heart' is what created our wills. He gave it up only to let the void devour his parents' souls. Heck, he could've used it to destroy the world or the universe he resided in and only uses it for vengeance. What an idiot. He's insane! I don't want to get involved with this guy! He's dangerous!"

After saying this, the octopus-like figure was about to shift into a separate dimension to escape this area only for space to be condensed and it could only be suppressed and have it's head pushed onto a platform which was created in an instant. With that, a large humanoid figure appears.

"Well, well, well. Long time no see, Old Gold. How've you been. I see you're interested in this little human. I wonder what you're up to? Hmm..?"

While saying this the gigantic humanoid figure gains form and turns into a human child with white hair, pale skin similar to a long dead corpse's and wearing clothes that seemed to be made from black colored flames with chaincuffs attached onto his arms and legs though they looked like they were cut apart using cutters leaving him looking like he was a prisoner who just escaped from the Wayward Prison. Although, If one were to look closer, his body would shift and look like an old man near his end and then the next moment, a young death row inmate. Next would be a helpful female nurse with a happy-go-lucky personality, after that would be a slave girl similar to those from Fantasy worlds with dishevelled hair and dust all over their bodies with barely any cloth on their bodies and finally it reverts back to his original form. You couldn't even tell whether they were illusions or those were reflections of his past lives. His name echoes very wildly in this hopeless place. Wildly known as the Unchained. The title came from his strange techniques and accomplishments in the conprehension of his own heart, desires and wants which allows him to leave the void at certain periodic times. He is also not limited by the strength of the void or any world for that matter due to his heart holding a far stronger burden than any world could. The only reason he limits his strength is to prevent unnecessary deaths and to decrease the number of people tracking him. Though there are few who would have the ability and courage to do so are few, they certainly exist. He observes this "human" and shows a puzzled expression. Then, like an epiphany struck him, he gave a knowing look and reappeared in front of Zamd.

Saying this, "Heh, little one, don't die too soon. I still want to see your progress and how far you can grow with my help. You've already gave up your heart so what will you do now? You have nothing else to lose. I look forward to seeing how you will grow against deadly circumstances. Nevertheless, for you to grow, I have to remove that feeling of loss for you."

Saying this, the being extended his hands and strings flew out of his own 'heart' and combined with the empty shell of Zamd's own 'heart' and did one last action before leaving the area.

"Now that I have removed the feeling, I am so excited to see what you will become. Leave this place where.only the banished stay and see the beauty of the universe with your own eyes. If you ever end up here again. Then just say my name. It's %*#/ by the way. Never forget it."

Although, it was unlikely that Zamd would even be able to speak out his name as his being of existence was so far higher and on a different plane of existence. Several, in fact. If Zamd ever wanted to see this person again. He would have to be at the minimum be a layer lower than him in the existential spectrum. Any weaker and the person-in-question who tried to say the name would burst in flames and turn to nothing. Not even ash will be left.

Before leaving, the being said, "Goldie, go back to your nest and prepare some nice biscuits for I'll be visiting very soon. As for you kid, here's a meeting gift."

A white light shone out of nowhere and entered Zamd's soul. A force appeared out of nowhere. Pushing hom out of the abyss and sending him to the Crack Betwixt Worlds. His fate unknown. What will happen now?

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