
Chapter 2: Either way, Segawa Haruna is somehow indifferent (2-1)

The chime rang after the end of afternoon homeroom, signaling the end of school for the day.


Like any other person, hearing the afternoon chime always sends a wave of relief through my whole being. It's basically the same as hearing the horns being blown after the end of a long and bloody war. You could say it was a symbol of peace for students such as ourselves. That's the power of 'one for all' for you.


Although, for obvious reasons, that only applies during the end of afternoon homeroom. Any other time than that is basically the same as hearing your name being called out on death row. In short, if the former wielded 'one for all', then by elimination, the other chimes wielded 'all for one'. It's seriously scary to think about so I'll just leave it at that.


Despite all that, instead of feeling a single ounce of relief, I could feel a whole pound of despair being thrown my way. Most probably cause for that would be the thought of having my freedom as a student getting stripped away, being forced to attend a sad excuse of a club with only two members.


There's seriously something wrong with this system.


As I made my way out of the soon-to-be-deserted classroom, a familiar character suddenly took sight. She was standing across the hall with both hands clenched on her bag's strap, staring silently on the floor with a hint of indifference imbedded in her eyes. She had this whole unapproachable aura to her, causing the people around to ignore her very existence. Without a doubt, the person in debate was no other than Segawa.


Looking at her from where I stood, a small part of me was curious to what she was doing just standing there, while for the most part, I could already take a wild guess and didn't give a crap anymore. So if I were to go with the majority vote here, the safe way to go was to completely ignore her like the rest of the student population.


It was a completely fool-proof plan. It was simple, yet effective.


Feigning ignorance was one of the skills I've honed through my years of solitude. In fact, if I were ever a pokemon, that skill of mine would probably work as an HM rather than an easily-overidable TM. Even the move deletor wouldn't be able to erase that move. That's how powerful it was. 


Unfortunately, before I could even move a single inch away, the door behind me suddenly closed with a thud, causing Segawa to take notice of its source, as well as the person in front in the process. Too much for my special move..


As her head began to slowly turn my way, an aching sensation started playing in my chest. This was probably how someone would feel when entering a place where escape was inevitable. Like a relationship perhaps. If so, then I guess you could also call this aching sensation as love in a sense. But less on the intimate part and more of despair.


As her eyes had casually met mine, she raised her right hand in greeting as she greeted me with a casual "Yo".


And in response to her nonchalant greeting, I slightly cocked my head as an indifferent "Oh" slipped pass my lips.


And that was about it, conversation over. That was practically how loners communicate in their natural habitat. You could say that loners such as ourselves could be considered energy efficient creatures since we could easily come to a mutual understanding with simple words and greetings alone. We're basically one step closer to becoming new-types in the future. Or an innovator, if you don't have good taste. 


With that insignificant exchange finally out of the way, without a single care in the world, I eagerly turned the other way with a small half-step, in attempt to move away from the possibility of being held captive. 


If I was somehow given the chance, I would continue to tread the path ahead until I've reached the school gates. But before I could even take my fourth step forward, I felt a soft tug on my blazer's sleeve. It was the kind of soft tug that would make your heart inadvertently skip a beat. 


'Did I just trigger a flag just now!?', was what I silently thought to myself as I kept the excitement from showing on my face. It's not every day that I get to unlock a surprise event like this after all. Although, after a good two seconds or so, deep inside, it hit me. There was only one person who was bold enough to perform such a blatant stunt, and also has a valid reason in doing so. Once that realization finally came into mind, all the excitement was thoroughly drained out of my system, causing me to turn the person's way with complete and utter indifference. 


As soon as the person in debate came into sight, I wasn't surprised one bit. My speculation was a hundred percent spot on, to the point that it somehow scares me. 


"Umm..did you need something, Segawa-san?" I timidly asked. 


"Sensei told me to pick you up after class. She told me you'd skip club otherwise." Segawa replied with a stone-faced expression. 


Oh, it seemed like sensei had set up some sort of trap after all. Very much like her. For a moment there, I thought I was already off the hook the moment she left the room after homeroom had ended. I guess it was all too god to be true. Well I guess this is better than having to face the mastermind herself.


"Uh, I seriously have no intentions on going.." I paused, furtively averting my eyes. "And I'm pretty sure you don't have to either. It's not like our grades are somehow affected if we skip.." Seriously hasn't that crossed your mind even for a second? I thought you were supposed to be some sort of prodigy or something.


In response to my practical business proposal, Segawa remained silent, a inaudible sigh slipped out of her mouth. 


"I see. So that's how you see it." She softly murmured, blatantly letting go of my blazer's sleeve. "And here I thought you were actually different, in the end, you really are a spineless hooligan like sensei had said. I find it somehow baffling that I doubted her even for a second."




"Uhh, I'd actually prefer it if you continued doubting her…I'm a pretty studious student, if I do say so myself. I'm just against this whole club thing is all. Aren't you the same?"


"I'm pretty much indifferent." She responded instantly. "I'm actually taking this chance to prove sensei wrong. Aren't you the same?"


"Nah, I don't really care. In fact, I couldn't care less about what others think of me." I paused, readjusting my bag as I timidly turned her way. "In the end, the way they see me and who I really am are two separate entities. The me in their heads are mere fragments of how they see me, it's nothing but a compilation of their irrelivant opinions. It doesn't affect who I am as a whole. Heck, they could even think of me as some gruesome exhibitionist and I still wouldn't give a crap."


"Ohh.." Segawa uttered, an uneasy expression on her face. "I don't really know if I should be amazed or disgusted with what I just heard.."


"Uhh..a neutral response would be much appreciated." I averted my eyes, a wry smile crawled up my face. 


My words would have probably sounded like that of an outstanding individual, if it wasn't for that last bit. 


"Well, setting all that aside," Segawa prompted. "You sure you don't want to come along?"


"Uh, I'll have to pass."


"Oh," She paused. "Are you sure?" She asked in a nonchalant manner.


…What the hell is this woman's deal. She was totally on the opposition just the previous day. What's with the sudden change of heart? Is she bipolar? Or is it just me. Why do I have this strange feeling like I've just awakened my reading steiner…


"Umm, if you don't mind me asking," I instinctively looked away. "Why does it seem like you're openly inviting me to club..weren't you against my membership just yesterday?"


"Not really." Segawa assured, a seemingly casual expression playin on her face. "It's not like I was against it or anything in particular, I merely wanted to change sensei's mind yesterday is all. I don't really have anything against you on a personal level. Actually, I couldn't care less about you for what it's worth."


"I-I see.." I paused. "I don't really know what I should react to that.."


"A neutral response would be much appreciated." She replied with a slight tilt of the head, a genuine, yet faint smile slowly played on her face.


The orange tainted rays that reflected on her cheeks made her faintly small smile stand out more than it should have, and the subtle heat from those rays made it seem as if her cheeks were flushed a bright red. The mere sight of that scene made my whole being flinch. "O-ohh..a neutral reaction it is then."


"Mhmm." She nodded with a smile as she turned the other way. "I'm not going to force you to tag along, I merely did what sensei asked me to. If you seriously have no intentions of coming then that's perfectly fine with me." She paused, giving me an indifferent look from the corner of her eye. "Forcing you to come doesn't fall under my jurisdiction after all."




She cocked her head in agreement as she began to pace ahead. "I'll be going this way then." 


"Then, I'll be going this way." I replied as I turned the other way around, stealing a glance at Segawa from the corner of my eye.


The sight her brazen back moving away was somehow reassuring in a way. The feeling was similar to that of a newly released prisoner who just finished his fifty-year sentence. Not like I would know since I've never experienced it before, nor do I intend to in the near or distant future. I'm planning on living my life as safe as possible after all. Either way, I guess I should just be grateful with all this.


With a small smile on my face, I turned my gaze up front as I began to pace ahead, the sounds of our footsteps the only audible thing throughout the hall. And as I took my third step toward my blissful freedom, the other footstep was no longer heard.


'I guess I'm finally free now..' was the thought the relieved my whole being, taking one step closer back to my usual daily life. But out of sheer curiosity urged by the missing footsteps, I casually glanced over my shoulder with a slight turn of the head, expecting to see an empty hallway. But in complete opposition to what I've expected, Segawa was still there. She had her gaze fixed my way as she idly stood about, her mouth slightly opened vacantly.


"I forgot to say," Segawa relayed from a rather fair distance. "Sensei told me to tell you this if you ever declined," She paused, taking a deep breath. "'You better be prepared to live with a single arm for a while if you ever have to balls to skip club'..she said."


As those words were delivered to its respective recipient, a teasing smile crawled up on Segawa's face, in stark contrast to the dismayed expression that started playing on mine.


..So I was never free to begin with huh?





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