

Chapter 23

Part 23

Day seventeen

His still not talking to me until this afternoon.

Im now at school garden with my friends. Earlier he attend classes late and has hangover. I know he got drunk because of me and Im feeling guilty right now.

"What happen to Kevin Sam?... Did he already know?" maris ask

"No.. He still didn't know" and smile a little

"Then why the hell he looks like helpless?" chasie ask

"M-maybe there's something happened ?" I said while staring at my phone. Yesterday night when he leave I run to my room even if they are asking me what happened.

When I was in my room I get my phone, about to dial his number but I got shock on what I saw, there's 61 texts and 173 calls that made me put my hand on my mouth because of how surprise I'am. It leads me again to cry.

I cry until I fell asleep...

"There's something happened or there's someone make him that way?" elsa ask while staring at me. I just down my head while staring at my phone again and again.

Wishing he might text or call me again. If that happens I'll accept the call without hesitations.

*king kring-*

Before I finish my ringtone I already accept the call without knowing who it was. And pull my head up then saw them giving a weird look.

*phone call*



when I heard that voice I feel down. But an excitement came that I should be.


I saw my friends staring at me with a worried look. Maybe because they expect me to smile ear to ear.

I stand up and nod at them, then go a little far from them.

(Are you still at school?)

"Y-yes why?"

(Can I fetch you later?)

"Why is that?"

(Well I have a surprise for you)

"Really, do I need to guess it?"

(Nope you wouldn't guess anyway)

"Your so mean Shawn" and i smile a little.

(So are you-?)

"Ofcourse after my last subject I'll wait for you at the parking lot"

(Nice... So see you later)

"Yeah see you"

*toot toot toot*

I ended the call and hid it in my pocket. For sure he wouldn't waste his time to call me again.

I go back to my friends.

"Why did Shawn called you?" chasie ask me.

"He said that he has a surprise for me" and smiled to them.

"Really... How sweet he is right? " elsa said while smirking at me.

"Well for sure its important" maris said

While me, not thinking about what could be his surprise because whenever elsa talk I felt guilty again and again.


"What a deep sigh is that Sam" chasie said

I smile to her without answering her.

"Lets go now" elsa said and start walking. Maris chase her after she nod at us.

"Just let it be, she might still missed him"

"Yeah... So I should finish it early for me to escape this kind of situation"

Kevin's POV

"Brad are you serious, we just got drunk yesterday night?"

"Yup let's go Im still not finish to drink a lot"

"Is he still okay?" I heard tony ask to vlad

"I don't know too"

They don't have a choice but to accompany me.

"We still have class Kevin?" Joe

"Lets cut the class for this day, its just one subject anyway"

"Yeah because if we decided to get back at school, Kevin might be sleeping at the principal's office because of drinking tss" vlad said

"Your so genius "

We are now seating at the corner of this bar. Drinking, humming while listening to tube songs.

I rented the bar because they are not letting us to come, they said that it still afternoon and they are still close ....midnight is their time to open so I don't have a choice but to pay a lot. Its proving that money works.

I drink my alcohol and stare at my phone. Hoping she might text or call me hayyysst. I just bought another phone if your asking...

Why do men still be the first one to text or call their girlfriend even if its their girlfriend's fault. Why can't their girlfriend be worry what we boys doing or want to do.

Why do we always be a slave of our girlfriend?

"Why don't you call her?" I pull up my head and stare at vlad.

"Its her fault not mine"

"Its not who fault it is, its about how can you both forgive each other. Its not who should be the one to call or text first, it was about how you can both talk and forgive every sin you both made"


"Wow HAHAHA words of the day"-tony

"You should do that brad" Joe said while being amaze to vlad.

"Its not that I don't want,I just can't "

"And because of?"

"Because I don't know if I really have the rights" I stare at them while giving them a sad stare.

It was like I want to cry again.

I want to shout every piece of this Shit inside me.

Every reasons for me to give up.

And every reasons for me to stay with her.

And be with her always.

Vladimire POV

His still drinking as if there's no tomorrow for him to drink.

Im worried that he might do what he did when his first love leave him alone without doing anything to stop her on leaving.

While his second try on being serious in his love life. Before he got a lot of fling but none of them made him melt until samantha came into the picture. I didn't expect her coming to Kevin's life because she's so damn different with Kevin's first love, if his first love was kind and demure the different of it was samantha.

Now his starting to be that guy again on 5 years ago.

"Here call Sam vlad"-tony

"Why me?"

"Since you did a speech earlier"-joe

And they both laugh at me.


"TSS your both an asshole"

I dialed samantha's number.

Calling Sam....

Answer it Sam!


*phone call*


I can sense that she's nervous tss. Both of them are crazy.


"Vlad!? Or Joe"

"The first one"

"Vlad what happened why are you holding his phone?"

"I don't have your number so i meddled in his phone"

"So why did call?"

"Can you come here and take care of him? Just for this day?"

"W-what h-happened?"

"His so drunk"

"Okay Im on my way just text me the location"

*toot toot toot*

I knew it they wouldn't tolerate each other.

I knew that there's just something that we and Kevin didn't know about Sam. That's just what I o observed. It was like there's something wrong.

But I wouldn't meddle to their relationship its their problem not mine.

Next chapter