

Chapter 18

Part 18

Day twelve

Kevin's POV

"What the heck was that brad?"

"Just shut up"

" I don't love you fuck you"

" HAHAHA you should be happy, because Kevin James Harrison loves you BWAHAHA"-vlad

"Fuck you vlad go to hell Tss"

Tony have been cussing at me just because of earlier Tss. As if it was for him.


"I'll fetch you tomorrow?" I said while holding her hands. Damn how lucky I'am with her.

"You don't have to" I want to see you every minutes or more like every second.

"But I want to" I want to always be at her side.

*kring kring kring*

"Your phone!" yeah but I don't want to.

So I don't have a choice but to accept the call and I didn't bother to look who was calling because Im just staring at her the whole time. She was so mesmerizing to stare at. While still holding her hand

*Kevin was on the phone*



(Are you going)


(What's wrong with you?)

"I'll be there in a minutes"

(Just be fast)

"Just wait okay?"

(Why are you mad at me. I was just asking?)

"Yeah I love you"


*toot toot toot*

Before he finish his sentence I already ended the call and hid my phone in my pocket.

So that's why his been cussing at me as if it was the first time he heard that word into a guy. I wouldn't waste my handsomeness just for him tss. And he doesn't reach my ideal, as if he will reach it.

"Just shut up, it wasn't for you anyway tss"


"Okay what's the story?"- joe

"It was for her, Im with her when you called"

"And then?"-vlad

"Tss... I just used the call to say it to her."

"Why didn't you just say it straight to her?"-tony

"Tss.. Im scared"

"Woahhh its so new"-Joe

"The cold hearted man who didn't do serious relationship in a girl was now scared to say 'I love you' HAHAHA"-vlad

"Im scared, she might said nothing"

"Wait brad, if your going to say 'I love you' to her you'll needed her answer?"-tony

"Ofcourse I want an assurance, i want evidence, i want to know if she really likes me or she's just using me for something. She might getting revenge just because Elsa assume that we are in a relationships before"

"How is it involve Elsa, brad your accusing without evidences"-Joe

"They're friends, you all knew how girls do when it comes to their friends!"

"We doesn't have evidence about that so drop Elsa's involvement to your girlfriend "

"Sorry joe, but Im just being realistic on what could happen or what is happening"

"If that so, are you willing to be used by Her then?"-tony

"I-I knew that wouldn't happen. She using me Nuh"

"You don't know her that well brad remember?"-vlad

"But I knew she wouldn't do that"

Because Im trusting her, trusting her words, her promise.


Im trusting her ...

With all my heart and soul. Because I knew she wouldn't do things that would break my heart into pieces. I knew.

But..some part of me saying don't give all my trust to her...

Even if I already DID...

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