

To 'feel healthy' is to have a sense of wholeness within. If we are free of diseases medically, that is not health. If we feel like a complete human being in body, mind and spirit, then we are really healthy. Many are medically healthy, but not healthy in the real sense because they do not experience a sense of wellness within. To experience a sense of wholeness and oneness, it's important that your body, mind and, above all, your energy functions at a certain level of intensity within.

Now, physically one may be healthy, but still feel lethargic.

You don't know why things don't happen in life the way they should, both inside and outside; this is because you are not taking care of the well-being of your energy. For every physical or psychological situation that you go through in life, there is an energy basis, which, in turn, has a chemical basis. In a way, modern allopathic medicines have become just chemistry. If you use one chemical to bring down one aspect, or enhance another, there is also a side-effect.

For this, there is an antidote; for the antidote, there is another antidote, it's an endless chain. In yoga, when we say health, we don't look at the body or mind; we only look at energy, the way it is. If your energy body is in balance and full flow, physically and mentally you will be in perfect health. This is about going to the foundations of your energy system and activating it in a proper way, building a foundational yogic practice that establishes your energy so that your body and mind are naturally fine.

The End 🙏

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