
Work Hard, Play Hard

After that exchange, we drove back to the Freeport Zone instead of the airport to have lunch with Captain Mitch Davis. And with his current promotion, instead of enjoying his time in the villa where everyone else proposed their family live, he was cooped up in the same spot where they dropped the bomb of sending nukes to every corner of the world, buried in paperwork with Janice and Maine.

Busy wasn't even the right word to describe the three, and they didn't even notice me come in with their share of the food.

If I let my intrusive thoughts win, I would've opened them up with a flashbang, but it didn't take long before their nose did the work for them.

"Wha— When did you get here?!"

"Five minutes ago," I said as I cleared them a table, "Enough of that shit, for now. Eat."

Janice cut in, "But we still gotta—"

Next chapter