
You only have one shot...

"Can't you just blast it to bits like last time? I saw the video, it was epic."

"Yeah, that is something I'll need a copy of too!"

Raphael and Anthony remembered the footage we've caught last time but the thing that they didn't understand was that we used several explosives more than necessary. It would be fine if it was an emergency or the first time we were facing them but our target right now was just a sitting duck, waiting to get decimated. However, there was still the issue of the ones surrounding it sacrificing themselves or getting controlled to shield it.

I began to explain the resource issue, "I wanted to take it down as efficiently as possible and possibly using a single explosive or hopefully, none. That was why I suggested using a large spike to drop it from above."

The two sat down and began to think.

Anthony twirled the pencil in his hand and said, "You're gonna use the helicopter then?"

Next chapter