
Hollow - Deal

The surroundings had never been so quiet when we witnessed a corpse with half of its head missing, continuing to move a few feet, then plopping dead where what it should have done the moment I lopped its head off, not when it reached the pile of the dead that did the same thing.

The first one to move was Oscar and he decided to pull on its shirt before throwing it back a few feet. A few had the same idea with the other corpses as they also lifted them up and threw it back to see what would happen next. Mikhail even threw a few that walked past the pile just so we would have more of a comparison.

Everyone was observing the rotting corpses to see what hey would do but after a full five minutes, after they took a step back, we were essentially click baited. It was a good idea to try it but this time, it just added more to our confusion. However even if it wasn't the one to answer our questions, by process of elimination, we would eventually discover it if we try all the options.

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