

Today I'm going to give my husband a haircut.  I really enjoy doing this, even though it takes me longer than I know it would take a real hairdresser.  I really appreciate it when he lets me be his hairdresser.  I get out the combs, the scissors, the towel, and before I know it he's home.  "Honey, why don't you take a seat over here?"  I drape the towel over his shoulders and I stand behind him and begin to comb his hair.  I can't help but lean over and smell his clean hair and feel a warm feeling inside.

As I'm combing his hair I have a sudden urge to put down the comb and just begin to run my fingers through his hair.  I give his scalp a little massage and his neck as well, and his shoulders, and then I lean over with my arms around his chest and just put my cheek against his cheek.  For a moment I begin to forget what I was supposed to be doing.  Oh, yes, I'm cutting his hair.  I walk around to the front.  His legs spread wide open, I stand between them.  But somehow I can't seem to get to the haircutting.  I look at his shirt all buttoned up tight, and I say, "Honey, do you mind if I loosen up your shirt a little?  I want you to be comfortable."  I unbutton the first button, and then the second, and the third...

And I notice the hair on his chest.  I pick up the comb and begin to lightly comb his chest hair.  Again I put down the comb, and with my hands begin caressing his chest and I can't help but run my finger over his nipples that are beginning to firm up and protrude.  He moves forward in his chair, getting more comfortable.  I lean over and give him a hug.  Then I give him a sweet kiss.  I say, "Honey, do you mind if I unbutton your pants and help you be a little more comfortable?"  Somehow I'm compelled to drop down to my knees and begin to pull the zipper down on his pants - ever so slowly...

Half-way down I notice all the hair and I pick up my comb again.  I remember I'm supposed to be cutting his hair, but I think combing his hair will be good enough for today.  I begin to comb the hair that starts at his belly button and makes a line straight down to where I've unzipped his pants.  As I'm combing his hair I'm noticing that there's more and more hair the farther down I go, and so I unzip his pants all the way.  He moves forward in his chair again and puts his hands up behind his head.  He makes a sound that tells me that he's liking this kind of hair-grooming.

When I unzip his pants his huge penis jumps out at me!  It's staring me right in the face.  I put down my comb and I cradle his hairy balls in my hand.  I begin to stroke them and simultaneously my mouth is like a magnet drawn to the end of his penis.  I can't help but put it in my mouth as much of it as I can, and then pulling my face away, and then bearing down back again... Back and forth, back and forth...  My mouth is watering.  My tongue is licking the tip of his penis.

By now he's making quite a bit of noise, saying things like, "Ooooh, Honey - that feels goooood!" And, "Yes, do it again, do it again!"  He asks me to stand up, and he begins to unbutton my shirt.  Before I know it he's sucking on one of my nipples, and then on the other.  And then somehow he's sucking on both at the same time. He pulls me close to him and I climb on top of his strong legs.  My vagina is dripping, and his penis plunges in...  I bounce up and down...  He bounces me some more...  - And then the explosion...  How exhilarating!  ~ And sponteineous...  - And wonderful we both feel.  I love to cut my husband's hair.  But it will have to wait another day...


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