

Captain Simon Simmons was strolling along the main street, on his way back to his post, when the soldier ran up to him, panting and red in the face from exertion.

"Captain! Sir! We're under attack at the main gate! Come quick!"

"What?!" Simon exclaimed, grasping his sword unconsciously. "How did this happen? What size is the army? How did it get here without us knowing?" He trotted alongside the man, heading towards the main gate.

"It's not an army sir," gasped the guard, trying to keep up.

"Then who's attacking?" demanded the Captain, working his way against the flow of people, which seemed to be moving in the opposite direction with some urgency.

"It's just one man sir," he reported. "But a big fella' he is," he added in his own defence

"One man!!" Simon gave the trooper a Look. "There's about a hundred of you in the barracks down there! How many does it take?"

"Not a hundred any more sir," said the guard.

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