
Things, more things, and advice

There were things I needed to do before going home though.

The most pressing matter was to inform Wiz that no EXP driven archpriest would be coming for her anymore. Using the chance I also asked Wiz if it would be okay for me to bring Aqua one day so she could apologize. Predictably Wiz has just stammered that it is unneeded and she is all good. However, I insisted since I felt it would do some good to Aqua's character and Wiz finally agreed.

She needed some time to recover but after that, I could come for another lesson and bring that troublemaker... or two together with me.

Just as I was about to leave Wiz's shop, an item caught my eye and I felt a sudden urge to ask about it. It was a wand that caused others to smile. But of course, there was also a great chance the effect would be reversed.

Just as expected of an item in Wiz's shop.

Somehow it has led me to ask about another item… and then the next one… and the next…

Before I realized, Wiz was already talking explaining the properties of the 11th item - some seed that produces extremely beautiful flowers but it released an unholy stench. Somehow I have spent over an hour asking Wiz about her 'questionable' wares.

On top of feeling bad for bothering weak Wiz for so long, I also felt bad not buying anything…

I had no idea what came over me.

I was passing by the market area when my nose detected an extremely delicious smell.

'Right! Chris might be hungry when she comes back!'

Was the sudden thought that hit my head. Without further thinking I've embarked on a journey to buy something to eat. I bought some sweet things, meat dishes freshly taken off the grill, some fragrant vegetables as well.

"Ladies and Gentlemen… this is an extremely rare creature-!"

My attention suddenly got taken over by a familiar voice coming from an animal pen standing in the distance.

It seemed that the guild's ploy to entice adventurers to work harder by showing them something they couldn't afford was continuing. A merchant from another city - Gincut - was making his most precious treasure - Shinehorn named Nanny - perform in front of the masses. And afterward, he would shot down everyone with the price of 100 million Eris for the Kung-Fu Goat. Not that he would sell her to anyone.

I knew it all too well but my eyes still wandered towards the show. And stayed there for more than they should have. The sight of a cute Shinehorn doing acrobatics would probably never get old for me.

After watching the entirety of the performance I looked into the direction of my house and a thought entered my brain:

"Let's maybe buy some more food…"

Just as I made the first step towards the next food stall my heart nearly fell off my chest.

"Mister Kazuki, are you planning on committing suicide by overeating?"

A woman was standing right in front of me. Dressed up in a hooded jacket similar to many I have seen in recent days after Xyllisa's attack. But the hood was down so I could see the woman I was speaking with.

To my panicked mind, the first thought was to run before it was too late but everything besides the hair - the way she spoke to me, her voice and face…

"We meet again, mister Kazuki. If you are wondering… the brown hair color is the result of a little illusion magic. Makes me a little bit more inconspicuous, wouldn't you say?"

Just as I thought, it was the receptionist of a Succubus Cafe - Vylixia-san - standing right in front of me.

Still a little bit dazed, I nodded weakly in response and Vylixia-san seeing this, continued her speech in her usual calm and polite tone.

"I am extremely sorry if my sudden appearance has upset you, mister Kazuki, but after careful consideration, I have decided that the sooner we could talk, the better."

"Talk about what?"

I didn't want to sound rude or snappy but that's just what came out of my mouth. Thankfully Vylixia-san didn't seem to take offense at my nervous answer.

"In the name of everyone working in our establishment I would like to express my sincere thanks for the help you have provided us by taking care of Xyllisa-san. If she was left to her devices for a few more days then it would probably mean the end of our days in this wonderful city. Although we never talked about a prize for such a thing I thought it would be inappropriate to leave such a service unrewarded."

"I haven't-"

"I am aware that you haven't done this with any of our kind in mind. That matters not. Debt is still a debt. And our kind takes those seriously."

Vylixia-san seemed extremely serious speaking this last sentence. By her kind, she has meant other Succubi or the devils in general? Before I could ask she was already talking again.

"If you are worried about what kind of rewards I will give you, then rest assured. I just want to share some valuable information… and advice. I will not take much of your time either. Would that be acceptable, mister Kazuki?"


I felt a little bit weird accepting the reward for something like that but as the saying goes: never look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Splendid. Then, let me start with the most important information. Xyllisa-san's allies will surely look for you. And by allies, I mean other Succubi from Demon King's camp."

Succubus standing in front of me made a slight pause to gauge my reaction and then made a reassuring smile.

"Don't be so terrified. By defeating Xyllisa you have proven that you have more than enough power to stand your ground in a straight fight."

Running away from your enemy and waiting for an opportune time to pull out the sink-or-swim strategy with a teammate probably couldn't be called "standing your ground in a straight fight"...

"But the most problematic would be their Charm magic."

I nodded sagely, remembering how Xyllisa has taken my free will by simply appearing behind and speaking to me.

"Unless you buy a pretty good magic item to stop charms or you travel together with an archpriest immune to such attacks you will be in a bad spot if they sneak up on you."

"How much would such an item cost and where would I find it?"

I asked curiously although I was sure that I wouldn't be able to afford something like that at that time.

"Because of charm magic being a powerful threat to the integrity of the coalition army, those items are extraordinarily pricy. I fear that you, mister Kazuki, would need to travel to the capital and spend… at least 50 million Eris."

Suddenly the idea of being a little bit nicer to Aqua appeared in my mind… As I was considering how to quickly get more than 50 million Eris, Vylixia-san proposed:

"There's also another way… Which would be training your resistance."

"How… do you propose I do that…"

Vylixia-san detected the note of distrust in my voice and calmly explained.

"This is just an idea given out in good faith, mister Kazuki. Adventurers that use our establishment do not know this but there's a second boon to our services which is training their charm magic resistance. The sweet dreams they receive is a result of a very weak version of a Charm you have experienced."

I doubted that Vylixia-san tried to suddenly get me into some sort of a trap but that last idea didn't sit well with me. Me? Using Succubi's services? By what I have surmised already… those 'services', besides the easiest comparison which would be prostitution, could also be compared with doing soft drugs. And I couldn't imagine myself using any of those things.

"I am not here to convince you to use our services, just to tell you that there's such an option. Just know that our establishment will be always open for you, should you need it, mister Kazuki."

I reluctantly nodded my head to show that I acknowledged her offer. She seemed to relax a little bit and her smile widened a little bit as well.

"As long as you don't get a hold of a way to avoid being charmed you need to constantly be on alert. From the coworkers I have sent to invite you to talk to me before I decided to personally meet you, I've heard that you are vigilant sort. That you were always looking out for anyone suspicious and were ready to attack at any given moment. They couldn't find a moment to talk to you. You should continue doing that for your sake."

So the hooded people that appeared from time to time were indeed eyeing me. I wasn't going insane. That was good to know. Vylixia-san seemed to relax a little bit and her smile widened a little bit as well.

"I also got more… personal advice if you are willing to hear out someone like me. I can feel that you are troubled with matters of the heart."

Vylixia-san surprised me so much with that topic change that I only managed to stammer a few words.

"How did you- I mean, what-"

"I am a succubus. I can easily tell that you are distracted by thoughts about someone... of the opposite sex. Emotions are just gushing out of you. But after observing you for a few minutes I can also tell that you are subconsciously trying to avoid meeting that person. Just go and stop stalling."

"I wasn't-"

She looked at me meaningfully and I immediately stopped denying it.

She was right. For some reason, I was trying to delay going home.

I realized that as much I wanted to see Chris again, I was worried about how things would play out further. What would become of my relationship with Chris after our reunion? What was our relationship in the first place? Many thoughts like that were going on inside my head in a never-ending loop.

"Whatever happens, please remember that we will welcome you with open arms."

That last line was unnecessary, Vylixia-san.


I thanked for all the information and… advice and my meeting with a succubus receptionist came to an end. We both went in different directions. I immediately followed the last 'proper' advice and headed straight back home.

As fast as possible… before I chickened out again. The sun was already hanging low over the horizon.

In under 5 minutes I was already landing in front of my door in my owl form.

After changing back into a human I unlocked the door and mustering up all my courage I stepped inside.


Silence answered my call.

After all that has happened in my head… I felt that Chris's absence was extremely anticlimactic.


Time for another flight, then.