
First blood, Awkwardness, and friend?(EDITED)

The laughter of a goblin sounded eerily evil.

It didn't look particularly strong or agile or intelligent but for a mouse, it sure was a dangerous creature.

My mouse-instinct was pinging my brain like crazy to run away.

I saw the goblin hesitating when Megumin snapped her head towards him but seeing her not moving an inch after that made the goblin even more confident in the vulnerability of its prey.

"Don't come any closer! I will place a curse on you and everything you will eat will taste like poop!"

Goblin answered with just more laughter while swinging a wooden club in its hand. It was coming closer and closer towards Megumin.

"Someone help me!"

There was no time to think. The goblin was about to move the club up to take a swing at Megumin's head so I jumped on his shoulder and bit into its ear.

It immediately shouted and jerked its hand violently to swat me away. I couldn't dodge in time so I was sent flying about two meters away. Fortunately or unfortunately it changed its aggro to me.

Goblin charged and swung the club straight at me but I dodged sideways and jumped on him again. His weapon got stuck a bit in all this greenery so I took this chance to once again bite him on his other ear. Although I couldn't bite through it completely blood still ran into my mouth. I felt an urge to vomit but I had to keep attacking it.

This time I saw him move his hand to swat me away so I jumped down and slid down his back and leg using my small nails. When I was on his calf it shook its leg and I once again flew off.

Without waiting, the goblin charged at me without any weapons, intent on catching me with its hands. I managed to dodge the first grab and the second one but the third swing surprised me and I got hit hard with the back of its hand.

Before I could collect myself goblin jumped at me and caught me with two hands. It sealed all my movements and released a grin rejoicing after catching this annoying pest.

The goblin didn't wait long before opening its jaws and moving me towards his mouth, clearly intent on biting my head off. I tried using my nails to make it release me but it wasn't working at all.

Just as it was about to kill me Megumin shouted:

"Hey, you big pile of a green turd! If you eat that mouse you won't have space for me! You sure want to do that?!"

The goblin first looked at me, then at Megumin and then at its belly and started seriously considering what she has said.


This was the second time I've heard that sound today and I knew exactly what it meant.

The look on the goblin's face when a little mouse with a scar on its face changed into a bigger goblin than him with the same scar on its face could only be described as… if its mind has been blown away.

I didn't lose any time and reached out towards the club left on the ground and easily yanked it out of the roots. At this point, the goblin has started moving but I - fueled by a memory of almost getting my head bitten off - swung the club downwards towards the goblin's face with all the force I could muster.

I threw away the club and looked towards Megumin. The look of utter disbelief was plastered on her face.

"What- How- Goblins evolve from mice?! Did I just discover an ancient mystery of goblins' origin?!"

I tried to answer her but only some rueful laugh, some grunts, and mutters came out of my mouth.

'Great, I still can't communicate with humans.'

With no way to tell her what I was planning to do, I just shrugged my shoulders and started walking towards her.

"You won't eat me to not let the secret of your evolution spread out, right? Right?!"

I released a grunt in response and after coming up to Megumin I tried lifting her by placing her arm around my neck. I tried to move but it ended up with me dragging Megumin by one arm which

"I can't move yet. I can't believe I am asking a goblin to do this but… can you piggyback me?"

I looked at her not believing she had a hardihood to complain about a guy/monster who just saved her life but being unable to speak I started trying to put her on my back after half a minute wondering about how to actually do it with Megumin being almost totally unresponsive.

After I finally managed this feat I suddenly felt the moisture on my shoulder. I looked up expecting a giant spider drooling while hanging from a branch like in all those movies but no such thing entered my vision. Instead, I discovered Megumin already sleeping soundly and drooling on my arm happily.

'How can you just fall asleep when a goblin is giving you a piggyback ride? How?'

I tried waking her up by shaking and grunting but she wouldn't budge. Standing there wouldn't change anything so I started walking towards the city while looking around for any monsters.

Fortunately, we didn't encounter any obstacles and soon we reached the border of the forest. There was quite a distance between the forest and the city.

But before I could consider my next move I noticed a party of 5 people running towards the forest, looking and pointing towards me and taking out their weapons. Among them were Dane and Karg judging by their voices.

"Wait-" I tried shouting but only a sharp grunt escaped my mouth.

Having no way of communicating I quickly placed Megumin on the ground and escaped towards the woods.

Goblins similarly to mice had sensitive hearing so I could hear two people following me. One of them was really fast, faster than me, and the other one had really heavy steps but moved at a steady pace.

The fast one was gaining on me each second. I had no way of escaping so I took up some random twig from the ground and faced my assailants.

Already very close to me were a silver-haired effeminate boy… no, a girl with flat-chest and dressed in very light clothing. Surprisingly she didn't even have her weapon drawn.

While I readied myself for hand-to-hand combat I also looked behind the fast runner and saw a gorgeous blonde in full armor running with her sword out.

The silver-haired adventurer spoke out while holding her hands for me to see in front of her chest:

"Don't worry we don't want to hurt you! We saw you helping that adventurer. You seem to be a… g-good goblin."

She stuttered a little bit after looking at my face but seemed to quickly calm herself.

The weak reaction surprised me but I had no time to think since the knight lady finally caught up. She stood between me and silver-haired girl and while holding her sword towards me she looked back.

"Chris! Why are you running off on your own! It's dangerous!"

"Don't worry Darkness-"

The blonde finally looked at me and exclaimed:

"What a viciously looking goblin! He must be a Goblin Leader. We mustn't let him escape and rejoin his tribe! Otherwise, he will become a threat to Axel and he will start kidnapping girls and do unspeakable things to them! We cannot allow that to happen!"

"Wait, Dar-" The girl behind tried to interject but the warrior before me didn't let her.

"Chris, quickly run away. I am not sure if I can hold him off. Bring help quick… do not hurry. I will manage!"


The woman named Darkness had a dangerous look in her eyes. She jumped directly at me and slashed. You were lying about not wanting to hurt me!

I somehow managed to dodge. Then the next slash came and I dodged it too. And the next one... I found the opportunity to strike at the knight's hand holding the sword so I swung a branch and… she dropped her sword.

I am sure I didn't hit it hard enough for it to fly away… is this a faint?!

The knight tried to reach for my throat with her hands but I easily managed to catch her arms. Despite me being shorter and without any armor I seemed to somehow overpower her in a strength contest.

"Chris, what are you doing?! Run, I will take care of him!"

I looked at 'Chris' and saw a worried glint in her eyes but she didn't move. Then Darkness noticed me looking at her friend and cried out.

"So that's your doing! You are casting some kind of mind magic to not let Chris get reinforcements! You plan to catch us both and then have your way with us?! Please let my friend go. I will do anything!"

This woman… lessened her strength again.

I couldn't tell if she is serious or not.

While we were having a 'stalemate' I thought about my power and brought up the [List] to my consciousness.



>Crimson Demon(44:22)


I quickly redoubled my efforts and easily toppled over the knight-lady. I sat on her waist while keeping my grip on her hands. The blonde woman, on the other hand, halved the strength she was putting into her hands again.

"Noooo, you brute. I will never submit!"

The following three minutes were one of the most awkward three minutes of my life. I kept on keeping her hands tied and she kept breathing harder and harder.

"What kind of shame play is this?!"

She finally snapped.

I looked at Chris and she just shrugged and awkwardly scratched her cheek.


Finally, my 'punishment from gods' was over. I unhanded the weird woman and quickly ran away, leaving her lying in the grass.

I didn't go far. I just hid behind the first random tree, changed into a mouse and came back towards the while sneaking silently.

Darkness kept lying on the grass and Chris kept looking at her with a warm smile.

You could just feel the awkwardness.

Finally, Chris spoke up to break up the silence.

"Shall we head back? That goblin escaped before I could react."


Darkness didn't seem to want to argue about her friend's obvious lie and just quickly stood up from the ground.

With that, they moved towards the city and I followed them quietly. With my Mouse form, I could easily sneak into the city but I felt that Chris was hiding something so I wanted to talk with her without that weird knight lady around. I honestly didn't think I could handle meeting her today again.

As I was following them I started getting more and more tired. Running after two walking humans were really taxing for a little mouse and I couldn't stop because this city seemed big enough that there was a chance that I wouldn't see Chris again in a long time.

Barely keeping my lungs intact I gave one last dash and jumped on Chris' left boot. I successfully managed to cling to the surface and I could travel safely until we reached the city. As I was catching a breath a hand gripped me.

But instead of crushing or throwing me away in panic Chris just put me on her shoulder and covered me with her shawl.

Alarmed by a sudden action of her friend Darkness mid-sentence and asked:

"What happened Chris?"

"There was some grass in my boot. I just swatted it away. Anyway… how is your search for a party coming along?"

"I didn't find any yet. You know how I am. I am not that useful."

"Your endurance is top-notch, I am sure you will find a party that needs an exemplary Crusader."

"Yes…" Darkness gave quite a dispirited answer but Chris was already changing the subject.

"Oh, right! Have you heard about that 'pervert' that managed to escape from jail?"

'Damn! I almost forgot about that!'

I swear I could see Chris looking at me for a fraction of a second.

'Who is that girl?'

"Yes. Apparently, the knights have no idea how he managed to escape. After analyzing the cell there were no magic signatures left behind. We might have a really troublesome person on our hands."

"What has he been accused of?"

"Sexual assault. The offended party was involved in a couple of other brawls before so the guards made sure to check her statement with the Truth Bell and it detected no falsehood."

"Hoooo…" Chris stroked her chin while thinking.

"Who was the assaulted adventurer?"

"It was a blue-haired girl who recently got her guild card and apparently she has an archpriest class so that made guards even more furious at the offender."

"I-is that so? Are you sure?"

"Yes. The knight on the case explained everything to me. She said that the guy had a terrifying face with a big scar... kinda like that g-goblin we met today. He also had brown hair, dark eyes and was thin. They are in the process of making posters with his face to hang around."

'What?! They will take it so far? Will everyone in the city think of me as a pervert who assaulted a girl?! It wasn't even a day and I will have to leave that city?'

I trembled on Chris' shoulder. It was my first day of living in another world and I was beaten up, falsely accused, almost castrated and nearly eaten by a goblin, followed by a masochist blonde knight trying to make me do things to her while in goblin form.

"Hey, could you hold off knights from posting these posters for me?"

"Why? You know that guy Chris?"

"I might know who he is and it's probably a misunderstanding. I know that you don't like using your family's influence but pretty please~?"

'Chris-sama are you my guardian angel?! I met an actual angel recently but she couldn't even hold a handle to you! She was a scaredy-cat that sent me here without a single piece of clothing!'

I felt like crying with happiness. I had no idea who Chris actually was but I knew one thing for sure. She seemed to be my first ally in this unreasonable world.

"Hmm… I can do that but what kind of people are you acquainted with, Chris? The knight said she was really scared when the guy was looking at her. Make sure to be careful about who are you interacting with."

"Same back to you, dear Noble Lady."

So Darkness was a Noble? It explains why she knew all this stuff and had so much influence.

We arrived at the city gate.

"I got a few things to do, so see you tomorrow Darkness." Chris waved her hand and proceeded to run through some streets until she found some desolate alleyway.

She then reached her hand out and gently picked me up and I got released on the pavement.

Next chapter