

meanwhile as the two entities argue-

(Plasm)"Ahem Debating"

right as the two entities was 'Debating' Phi drop off the Box somewhere on earth to land on some unfortunate idiot's door step.

on earth in [Country name] there's a high school with the name of glowing owl highschool wait seriously that's the name what kind of idiot would name a school glowing owl seriously this is completely and utterly stupid anyway we're getting off topic again i guess it's okay, i mean you are reading a novel about a box A BOX why are you even reading this i know this is off topic but what kind of idiotic author write A BOX as a novel i mean the author was probably [Dizzy] off his [Butt] making this "story" like hmm... what kind of novel should i write an epic tale of a hero, a dramatic romance filled with love and passion or an intense action novel where's the characters are battling edge to edge till the hero barely alive and yet victorious no no that's to much i need something something like a... i know this this Box brilliant yes A [FREAKING] BOX! God [Freaking-Beeeeeep]

Ahem sorry about my outburst there i have issues… continuing on to the story!

as we look into the classroom we see two students talking.

"as i was saying i just don't feel like it matches my play style, you get me right?"

"yea i guess you're right you do like to use an all-round builds and the sword it self does give a lot of damage but it does eat away at your hp"

[Something that signifies class starting]

as they stop talking they go to their respective seat and the class starting we skip ahead at the end of school because we visited them at the last hour do to some complications Ahem. as they leave class one by one or in groups we see the last two students exiting

"so you coming?"

"oh nah I'm staying late got detention feels bad man"

"Ha! sucks to be you see ya next week Kyle you degenerate"

" heh, yea see you next week to you to"

as Tom leave he's pal behind, and he went back to his lair as he knew he's parents to be there as this was his father day off and mom's there probably thinking of [Bed stuff] girls can be perverts to! praise gender equality protagonist as they can punch both boy or girl with the same hardness

"I'm home!"

"welcome home sweetie"

"welcome back son"

Time skep to dinner

as we stalk this nice happy family have dinner creepy readers Tom notices his dad staring at him with so much determination then he's father then open his mouth and ask

"when are you getting me grandkids"


"honey you can't rush love, but i do agree with your father when are you actually going to give us grandkids"

"MOM I'm still in highschool"

"that's true but you haven't even have a girlfriend yet"

"yet, I'll find a amazing wife just you wait"

"Hah! you couldn't even hold hands with a girl without becoming a stuttering mess i doubt you could even get wife let alone a girlfriend"

"ohh you don't want me to get mad good sir I'll find a girlfriend soon"

"then proof it, you can talk back to me as much as you like but doesn't change the fact that your a virgin"

"alright boys stop the whole talk it's getting late and i need my beauty sleep and it's your turn to clean the dishes right honey"

"i i fine...."

as the family dinner end the and the sun set and the people sleep except the degenerates or the not degenerates,next morning after that Tom get's breakfast and then play a game why isn't he going to school you ask because it's the weekend's

"God darn it that stupid sword i to overpowered they really need to nerf it it's so stupid {You dead} HMm... I SEE they're probably hacking yea that's a reasonable reason and-"

as he was being very salty he was interrupted by the door bell ringing.

"Tom is that yours"

"yea it's probably my new robot set"

as he went downstairs and open the so he can sign the delivery with the delivery man like he expected instead he see a Box in the ground in front of his door unknown to it's origin and purpose.

"Huh is this my order hmm... i wonder what's inside mom is this dad's"

"no i don't think he order anything online"

"okay I'm going to open it okay"


as Tom went yo get some scissors because he apparently don't have a box cutter that klutz.

"already time to see what's inside you *Rrriiippp* 'huh a box is this a prank did someone do this was it kyle no he doesn't have time for something like this Max? no he's to innocent for any kind of prank whatever let's see what's inside this box the *Rrrriiiippp* another... box sigh i wonder how long does this goes?'"

as he ponders a question that won't be answered for a while he doesn't know what the Box is where it's from or the calamity it will bring to his peaceful and calm life poor Tom i do wonder what's is inside the box the "item" that's worth the pain of so much Boxes i do hope he's ready for it haha I'm stalling right now okay i need like two u hundred more word umm.. so how was your day listen I'm nog good with small talk dang it wait... i know let's get back to Plasm and hear the "debate" yea let's do that.

we are now back at Plasm's place and we can hear they're heated argument

"Listen you god of [Female dogs] you don't know a single [Freaking] thing like pleasure at all, all you care about is big breast [Jimbos] you [motherfreaker]-

Whoa Whoa this is supposed to be a family friendly novel i can't show this god darn it.

[crap] why am i supposed to do now should i end it no no maybe, man the more i read this novel the more i think this is less about the Box and more about my issues…

I'm going to end it here i need to talk to the author about the whole story, and probably get myself a therapist I'll probably need it.

i don't know why i called the school glowing owl ok i was out of idea

and why's it so short well I'm not gonna go with the excuse of this is first novel because I'm clearly a professional haha...

Luckylawdcreators' thoughts
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