
A memorable duel

[POV Genesis]

I laughed watching Luna sulk and Leo stand in front to protect her.

"What did you do to my sister!"

Leo was screaming at me but I just said, "Calm down Leo, I did not do anything to your sister, she just saw the spirits of my cards."

"... The spirits of ... your cards ..."

"Right, you can ask Luna."

Leo then asked Luna what had happened, but Luna only explained part of the truth to him. She tells him that the Genesis card spirits are nice but also too strong.

Leo believed her and stopped being on guard against me.

[POV Narrator]

Leo then looked at Yusei and said, "This is the first time I meet someone with amnesia."

Yusei asked, "Where are we?"

Leo did not answer and said, "Look at this."

"Leo, the gentleman asked you a question, so tell him where we are!" Luna told him.

Leo opened the shutters and showed him the view.

"It's cool eh, shutters are set on motion sensors ..."

"We are in our apartments, in a neighborhood called the heights."

"Not bad, huh, it's the best neighborhood in New Domino City, only the rich live here."

"LEO !!"

You could see all New Domino City from the windows of the apartment.

"How I ended up in this alley ..."

Yusei wondered, but then he looked at Genesis and said, "You were with me, do you know something?"

Yusei, Luna, and Leo looked at Genesis.

"I only knew you yesterday, I know your name is Yusei and yesterday we were fleeing the security forces."

Leo and Luna open their eyes as they flee the security forces. Yusei nodded only.


Meanwhile, Trudge surrounded the neighborhood with the security forces and Blister was hidden in a dark alley and watched Trudge.

"Genesis, Yusei, you have to find a way to leave the neighborhood ..."


[POV Genesis]

Currently, I am choking laughter. Leo was a very enthusiastic child, he wanted to restore memory to Yusei by various means.

"Now that you have put on your jacket, take a deep breath and say," My name is ", and then say your name."

"It does not work out your Leo thing, he's already tried ten times."

"In any case, it worked on TV!"

I then saw Yusei's gaze being drawn to a Jack Atlas and Leo poster saying that Jack was his idol and the best turbo duelist.

"I'll be a champion too."

"You do not even ride on a bike, so on a motorcycle."

"I held 12 seconds last time!"

At that moment I had to choke a laugh on hearing Luna and Leo arguing, "Pfft!"

Leo blushed a little and Luna smiled.

Then Leo continued to talk to him and he showed Yusei his Duel Runner and his letter of invitation for the cut fortune.

"The fortune cup?"

"Yeah, it's a great multi-player tournament that Kaiba Corp has chosen, it's going to be huge, and you know what, I'm going to participate!"

Luna said at that moment, "In fact, it's me we chose."

"Yes, but you're too scared so I'll take your place."

"Nobody will believe that you are me."

"Grrr, and why, we're twins, we're like two drops of water!"

"Because I'm a girl, and I'm prettier."

"Grrr, then I'll wear makeup."

"Léo is going to put on makeup! Leo is going to make up! Leo is going to make up!"

"You know what I think little sister, you're jealous."

"We can not do better than discuss this story."

Looking at Leo and Luna bickering, I started laughing, "Ahahah you're both too funny."

Luna and Leo blushed with embarrassment.

Luna then looked at Yusei and said to Leo, "Now we do what, there's always a bad guy here."

"You can not know if this is really a bad Luna, maybe because of a stunt you sentence her for a crime he did not commit! I saw him on TV!"

I laughed watching the interactions between the two twins.

"Ahem Leo, he's still close to us."

Leo then looked at Yusei who was on his left and scratched his head with a sick smile.

Yusei threw the letter of invitation with a wave of the hand on the desk 5 meters in front of him. Leo was impressed.

"I'm leaving now, I've got enough trouble for you kids."

Yusei called the elevator and at that moment I got up too and followed Yusei.

"Goodbye children."

"No, wait, I have may still be a way!"

"Let them go, Leo."

"No, wait."

Leo opened a closet and began to search through several objects.

Leo took a blue Duel Disk and headed for Yusei.

"Amnesiac, I have one more idea, I will provoke you into a duel, Mr. Amnesic Duelist!"

"He already has more important things to do with Leo."

"Shut up, Luna, I've seen Jack say on TV that it's fighting a duel that a duelist shows who he really is, you can recover the memory."

Leo started fidgeting and his Duel Disk slid down his bars because he was too tall.

"You remind me of someone, well I accept."

Yusei smiled slightly and agreed.


Yusei went to his Duel Runner and took his Duel Disk.

"Wow, you still know how to use your Duel Runner."


We went outside and sat on the bench with Luna to see Yusei and Leo start their duel.

Yusei helped before Leo fix his Duel Disk because he was too big and then he started the duel.


""Let's go!""

{Leo: 4000: 5 cards}

{Yusei: 4000: 5 cards}

"Amnesiac duelist, I'm starting, I'm drawing!"

{Leo: 4000: 6 cards}

"This is a card that I like, I invoke the [Morphtronic Phone]!"

While Yusei and Leo were fighting, I looked at Luna next to me and said, "So, you have questions about the spirit world?"

Luna looked at me and then she asked me, "Yes, I want to know who were the three monsters you summoned and the monster you had ... killed ..."

I caressed Luna's head and said, "The monster I killed was a shadow creature, the creatures in the shadows want to control the spirit world to become stronger to become supreme. They want to break the harmony that reigns in a peaceful world. "

Luna nodded and said, "Why are they doing this?"

"For power, everything is always for power."

Luna kept a silence and watched the duel.

Leo had two [Morphtronic Magneton] which provided him with an inviolable defense.

"I am now ... invisible!"

Luna facepalmed and said, "You mean invincible, Leo."

"Pfft ... Ahahah, your brother is so funny."

Luna blushed and then she asked me, "And ... the three monsters you invoked?"

I looked at Luna and told her, "It's not her Luna monsters ... they're gods."

I took the three Egyptian Gods out of my Deck and showed them to Luna. Luna stared blankly at the cards.

I pulled her out of her trance and she asked me, "What happened, I felt my body become heavy ..."

"It's the power of my cards, the three Egyptian Gods are unique cards and they are the most powerful cards in the game."

Luna listened with surprise, knowing that I was showing her the most powerful cards.

"Why are these the most powerful monsters?"

I smiled and replied, "Because they are the guardians of the Light, they protect the balance of the world of dueling spirits but they can only be used by me, who possessed some power. let someone else use them, he will die. "

Luna pale a little and asked me, "There is no monster as strong as them?"

I kept my silence but I ended up answering, "There is a 3 other cards, but they represent the obscure side of my Egyptian gods, do you want to see them?"

Luna nodded seriously and I smiled slightly, I took out a small package containing three cards, [Raviel, Emperor of the Phantasies], [Hamon, Lord of the Thundering Thunder] and [Uria, Lord of the Blinding Flames].

Luna felt a pain in her mind seeing the three Evil Gods in my little iron box.

I quickly closed the box to avoid Luna pain.


[POV Narrator]

Genesis thought back to the cards he had brought with him, and he regretted bringing some of them. Genesis was a card collector and he had very rare cards. The cards in this world were alive, which he had partially forgotten.

When he came to this new world, he had met the 3 Sacred Beasts in the spirit world and urged him to destroy and reign over the world as the supreme pharaoh.

But it was then that his nightmare began, he also had [Armityle, the Phantom of Chaos] who had almost wrapped his soul in the shadows except because of the intervention of [Horakhty, the Creator of the light]. Horakhty saved him and since that day, he had two cards in his neck that kept a balance in his soul. Genesis was torn between light and darkness.

He used the power of the Pharaoh to get rid of Armityle but to no avail. The cards of Armityle and Horakhty remained hanging on his neck since that time. Genesis regretted bringing the 3 Sacred Beasts with him and Armityle.


[POV Genesis]

I then looked at Luna who had a headache and said, "Listen to me, Luna, if someday I fall into darkness, will you have to get rid of me, understand?"

Luna looked at me anxiously but I reassured her, "But do not worry, it's unlikely to happen."

Luna shook her head and I sighed because I did not tell her about Armityle and Horakhty.

I then watched the duel and saw Yusei summon the [Nitro Warrior].

"You said" favorite ", you found the memory of the amnesiac duelist!"

Yusei smiled thinly and attacked Leo, who took away 2000 health by destroying his monster.

The [Nitro Warrior ATK 2800] attacks [Morphtronic Magneton-ATK 200]

{Leo: 4000-2000 = 2000}

{Leo: 2000: 4 cards}

"I activate the effect of my [Nitro Warrior], if this attacking card destroys an opponent's monster in combat, I can change 1 monster in face-up Defense Position controlled by your opponent in Attack Position and attack it with this card. "

Genesis watched Yusei win and Leo have tears in his eyes.

Akiza won.

Chick_Thiefcreators' thoughts
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