
Red Marker

(Cole P.O.V)

2 year later

"Shhhh Nikki sleeps little princess," I bounce my two-year-old mate on my hip and try to get her to calm down, but she didn't have a nap today and so she's fussy, and I have a meeting in 5 minutes.

"Cool, my tummy hurts," Nikki whines, her tears falling onto my neck.

"Why does your tummy hurt princess?"

"I eat a pear," she tells me

"YOU WHAT?!" I yell,

"Who let you eat a marker?"

She shakes in my arms, scared by my outburst, "Zane." She says, meaning my beta, Zane, who I trusted to watch her while I showered.

Zane. Living Room. NOW!.

I mind-link Zane as I look around in Nikki's pen for the one she ate. Finding a purple one with the tip bit off.

Nikki ate a red pen and now her stomach hurts. What should I do?

"Yes, Alpha Cole?" Zane asks, coming into the living room and knowing by my tone in the mind-link to call me Alpha.

"You let Nikki eat a Pen!?" I scream at him.

"NO! She ate it when I looked away to mind-link Emma," he said to me. Emma is his mate.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby Nikki. And I'm sorry Alpha, I swear it was an accident," Zane says.

"I don't care! My mate's in pain and it's your fault! You were watching her!"

Give her a bottle of ice water and she should be fine.

The pack doctor's mind links me back.

" I'm sorry Alpha!"

"Just get out of my face, you're banned from watching Nikki ever again," I sigh and bounce Nikki in my arms as she whimpers.

Zane sadly walks away.

"Come on princess Nikki, let's get you an ice water bottle." I walk to the kitchen and prepare an ice water bottle for her. After that, I mind Link Trevor and give him Nikki to look after her and get her ready for the annual meeting while I get ready my self.

It only takes an hour for us to reach there. I get out of my car with Nikki in my arms and goes to the Place where the council annual meeting was held every year.

" Alpha Cole? You didn't tell us you had a child, you didn't tell us you even had a mate!" Alpha John exclaims.

"I don't have a child. This is Nikki, she's my mate. That's why I called this meeting," I clarify.

"Your mates a child!" He says," That's wrong! And unnatural! She's a baby!"

"YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT! Most wolfs don't find their mates till they're both adults, but it's not unheard of! I know Nikki just a baby, our relationship is strictly that of a father and daughter. I care for her, but not in a perverted way!"

"Cone," Nikki whines, struggling to get into a sitting position

I sit here on my hip, she rubs her eyes and looks around, "hi! I Wala I two!" She announces, ever the friendly baby.

A few people wave at her and all the Alpha's Luna's coo at her.

"ConeI needs the potty," she says.

" Okay princess, James, take her," I hand her off to Trevor.

" Yes Alpha," he addresses me formally in the company of other Alphas, he takes Nikki into his arms and she giggles happily to him and they walk out together.

"Cole, you have to see the downside to this. You'll have to wait till she's at least 16 the mark her, there's a huge age gap! Not only that she is human too," Alpha Mike said making a disgusting face when he said the word human.

"Human or wolf or another spice it's doesn't matter to me. It doesn't even the age gap between us. SHE IS MY MATE AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HER NO MATTER WHAT!! Now that is can we know to discuss the problem for which we are gathered here?

" I ask them getting annoyed with all this. I mind link Trevor and order him to wait for me in a waiting room until the meeting was over. The meeting was just as boring as usual nothing new was there just the same problem of Rogue breaking through the pack's territories and all.

After meeting I take Nikki to a park as I promised to do if she behaves like a good girl. After that we go home, eat our dinner and goes to sleep.

Next chapter