
Future demise of cruelty...

Veronica sighed at his childish act and said, "Don't sulk now, baby. I promise, I'll come back home as soon as possible. It's just the matter of few hours honey. After that both my time and attention will be all yours…"

Though Reuben was acting like a kid but still he agreed with her and said, "Fine.. But you have to come back soon. I need your cuddle."

Veronica chuckled at him and said, "Sure.. I'll tell the girls to rush things after all my baby will be waiting for me."

This made Reuben smile hugely and after giving him a long kiss, Veronica finally left, bidding him goodbye...

Actually, it was Saturday.. So Myra and Lucinda wanted to give a visit to their restaurant which was almost ready to lauch in the market..

As Veronica had a great taste in everything so they wanted her to come with them. They wanted to take Willa with them also but Veronica rejected it saying that Willa needed to spend some time with Neil..

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