

"Putting that aside..." An Elementary God stepped forward, gazing at the three on the ground before continuing, "Since the fight was interrupted, shall we consider it a draw?"

"You dare? It was obvious that Zamuria won the battle!" an Elementary God from the Zamuria continent shouted in response. 

"Huh? Our Guria hadn't even used her trump card. She was waiting to take out both her opponents in one swing." 

"As if. Rumria had maintained an upper hand right from the start. She could easily win if it wasn't for the interruption from your two sides. Isn't that why you interfered?"

"Are you blind? Your side also attacked! Were you scared because your representative was used to mop the floor?" 

Instantly, the air turned volatile before the immortals started attacking each other. Since the immortals had already begun so, the mortals were also influenced. 

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