
The Place atop The Tallest Pillar

"This rock pillar is quite hard," Krune expressed his shock, knocking the base of the rock pillar. It seemed to be completely made out of a type of rock that was so hard that he wasn't even able to dent it by using all his strength. 

The case was the same for everyone else. The rock pillar spanned at least a couple of kilometers in radius. So, calling it a rock pillar was definitely not correct. It was a hill or even a mountain based on what the standards one used to differentiate between the two of them were. Its height surpassed a kilometer, so it was definitely a massive structure. 

The walls were almost smooth, save for small indents at discrete locations that existed for namesake. They weren't big enough to be used as footholds to climb up, though. It was a big area that they were confident of scaling around to find a better path. Nevertheless, they were still running out of time. 

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