
After Carnival

The fireworks display lasted for like 30 minutes, that was probably the longest one that she has experienced and it was rather fun, she had a good time although she immediately has to return to her room at the palace after the show.

Harrison and Alexandra just recently arrived inside the room with the use of teleportation. It was already 11 in the night when they returned. She was back on wearing her nightwear and her appearance was back. Alexandra roamed her eyes around the room and spotted a doll which was a replica of her staring at them or probably at her. It was creepy, it was like when you are inside the bathroom, taking a shower and it feels like someone is staring at you. It was like that stare, creepy. It sent a chill down Alexandra's spine and she looked at Harrison, giving him a sort of a horrified or a crept out look. It was like the feeling she had when Sir Mark Devan looked at her with that disturbing gaze although this one was like… sort of… creepy like in a horror movie.

"Pfft, what? Are you scared of yourself?" Harrison finds it weird and funny that Alexandra is being crept out by a replica of herself even though that's probably the third time she saw that but she was still afraid of it. "Shut up, who wouldn't be crept out? Like there is a doll who looks like you and stares at you intensely like that! It's creepy!" Alexandra said, ticked off as she pointed at the doll while it just stared at her. Harrison's eyes darted at the doll and it stared at him, in a creepy way just like how it stared at Alexandra earlier.

No wonder, Alexandra was crept out. It actually looked creepy and to think that it was a replica of her, he thought to himself and continued to stare at the doll for like a few moments before he let out a sigh and snapped his fingers, the doll immediately turned into like ashes or dust that was emitting a small light, like how a game character or an enemy would die in a video game or how the people disappeared when a certain character snapped his fingers in a movie. (Note: Harrison is not Thanos)

"Finally, it's gone," Alexandra said as she let out a sigh of relief as she headed towards her bed. Her body felt heavy and she was tired and exhausted from everything that happened earlier, from playing games, getting lost and walking around, eating, and having to walk up a hill to watch some fireworks display.

She threw her body towards the bed, slightly bouncing off before finally being engulfed by the softness of the bed. A smile graced upon her lips as she covered herself with a blanket and she shifted around to find the most comfortable position to sleep on. She rested her head against the pillow as she hugged another pillow with a satisfied smile plastered on her face. She looked at Harrison and her eyebrows slightly creased when she saw him just staring at her without saying anything, "What? Are you not going to go yet or are you going to stay here and watch me sleep?" She asked him and the corner of his lips turned up into a smirk, "No, you look ugly when you sleep, I might be blind if I see it," He snickered.

"How insulting, you rascal!" Alexandra shouted at him and was stopping the urge to throw the pillow at him, calming herself down as she let out a sigh. Her features softened and she looked at Harrison once again, he's still not leaving yet, she thought to herself. "Thanks for taking me out today, I had fun," She said, giving him a small smile. "Yeah," Was what Harrison only said as he stared at her with a bored look plastered on his face like always. "I hope you'll take me out the next year too," She said.

"Well, you'll just get lost and I would spend an hour looking for you anyways," Harrison simply said. "But you already marked me, so that means looking for me would an easy thing and you could send me some messages asking me where am I or something," Alexandra replied back. "You'll still get lost," He said.

"Come on! I promise you, I will not get lost and you have to promise me that you would take me out next year too!" Alexandra said and pouted. "Promise me?" He asked. "Yes, I promise you!" She said in an excited and loud voice as she looked at him with a determined or serious face. A smile crept up his lips which Alexandra wasn't able to see or notice as it was subtle, "Fine," She rejoiced hearing his answer before she laid back down.

Silence surrounded them right after.

She let out a yawn and fluttered her eyelids as she looked at him. "Good night," She said in a soft voice and a low tone as she felt her eyelids becoming heavier as seconds passed by and her consciousness slowly drifted away.

Harrison muttered something which she wasn't able to hear as she was already closing her eyes and falling into a deep slumber.


Alexandra opened her eyes and what greeted her was just a green empty field with a gigantic tree in the middle, she was walking towards the tree with no particular reason. It was like, her legs were moving on its own. The breeze felt so gentle and the grass slightly swayed along with the wind, its sharp ends lightly brushing against her skin as she walked towards the tree.

As she got closer, there was this gentle hum that filled the air and it got louder as she went near. The song sounded so gentle, no it was the voice that sounded gentle. It was a happy and gentle tune and Alexandra's heart skipped a beat as she heard it. It sounded so familiar and she can't remember where she heard it. Even though it sounded happy, gentle, warm, and soothing, she can feel her heartache and she doesn't know why. She was sad yet happy at the same time, she can't completely describe what she was feeling, it was a mix of emotions which she probably never felt before.

Where is the sound coming from? Is it from the tree? She asked herself and she went around the tree, looking for someone or something. The voice sounded familiar and it feels like she has already heard it before, many times already. It feels like that voice already called out to her name many times in a gentle tone, it feels like she has heard that voice every day in her life yet she couldn't recall it. It feels like it belongs to someone who she treasures really much because why would she feel like this when it belongs to someone she completely doesn't know.

As she walked around the tree, the humming sound eventually became louder than before and she could see something, a person. She gulped as she continued to walk and she saw the head of a person, blonde hair. It was a female, she was probably wearing a dress. Alexandra was stunned, she stopped moving and just stared at the lady as she listened to her humming. Her voice was heard throughout the place and it was soothing and gentle, like a mother singing a lullaby to her children.


The female slowly turned her head at Alexandra's direction, she probably noticed her presence. Alexandra's eyes widened as she watched her turn her head around.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Their gazes met. Blue eyes.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

The lady smiled at her sweetly.


Alexandra fluttered her eyes open and Diana's face greeted her, there was a gentle smile plastered on her face. Alexandra stared at Diana as she blinked multiple times, trying to process everything that just happened and what was happening. She could hear the chirping of the birds as it chirped a happy tune. Light seeped through the door of her balcony and through the open window beside her bed, it was morning already. "Good morning, young miss! Did you have a good sleep?" Diana asked her in a cheerful and gentle tone of voice, her smile widened when she saw Alexandra finally awake. The pain in her head eventually subsided as she stared at Diana.

"Diana…" She called out to her as she sat up her position and looked around her room, her head slightly aching as she squinted her eyes. "I have prepared the bath for you, young miss!" Diana said and Alexandra yawned as she stretched her arms before she got down her bed, sliding her feet in the slippers and gliding through the bathroom. Her body was aching and she was still tired because of what happened yesterday night, although she had fun. She was sure that she had a dream yet she can't completely remember what it was, it felt like it was something important yet she can't remember it.

Why can she completely remember her embarrassing dreams like Harrison suddenly dressing up as a clown which she had last year or him suddenly being a friendly and cheerful person who always apologizes that she had 2 years ago yet she can't remember a dream she just had earlier? It's annoying and weird at the same time. Before she entered the bathroom, Diana said something which made her stop from her tracks and look at her direction.

"If you are planning to see your brothers before they leave and go to the academy, your personal knight told me that, you need to be early. You can't see greet them and see them off while they are riding their carriage since there would be multiple people and if they saw you there, there would be problems. You can give them something before they leave, macaroons for Prince Calixander, a book for Prince Gilbert, and an antique pocket watch for Prince Chandler. I made sure that you are going to give them what they like. They would probably be happy," Diana said and Alexandra remained still for a moment before she started walking towards the bathroom. Right, I almost forgot that they are going back to the academy that means Harrison is going to leave at night since he would just teleport there or something. Besides, he said that he lives in a dorm.

"I see, thank you for reminding me. I am going to see them before they leave," Alexandra said as she entered the bathroom, a sad and faint smile graced upon her lips.


Diana was now currently combing Alexandra's hair who was just sitting still, staring at the reflection of herself in the mirror. Diana was going to tie Alexandra's hair into a simple yet elegant looking bun. She was wearing a dress like always and its color was blue just like her eyes. Alexandra stared at her wrist, admiring the small red flower which looked like a tattoo which was given by Harrison yesterday night at the carnival before he went off to buy some food. He said that it has so many benefits that he can't remember all of them and only remembered 3, it's like a contracted relationship or something like that. Although he said that it was for his and my own good, she thought to herself and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong, young miss? Do you have any problems or do you not like what your hairstyle will be today? You can tell me, I won't get angry or upset," Diana said when she noticed Alexandra's expression earlier. Creased eyebrows and a pout on her lips as she was staring at her wrist like there was something written in there. She saw it by her reflection on the mirror. Alexandra glanced up and looked at Diana before letting out a sigh, her expression troubled.

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking how my days would be when Prince Gilbert and my other brothers except for Christian wouldn't be around until their next vacation which will be two or three months later," Alexandra said not changing the expression plastered on her face. Well, she thought of that while she was in the bathroom. "I see, that would be hard for you then," Diana replied back and continued to comb Alexandra's hair.

"Brother Christian also said that he might be going to the academy next year since he would be 9 years old at that time," She added, her look becoming more and more sullen as she recalled their conversation that day. Harrison, although he would probably visit her during the night it would happen less than usual, like once every two weeks or something, would also be gone. Diana just remained silent as she couldn't say anything that would lift Alexandra's mood up.

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