
The Conversation

"You have mentioned that you had a friend, a friend who you asked to buy all of the gifts. I would like to know who he is," Alexandra completely stopped from her tracks hearing his question. Father already asked me that question and I answered it simply but why does it seem like Carlos wants detailed information of him. It would look suspicious if I won't answer his question or if I refuse to do so, it seems like I'm going to make up a story for him. "Yeah, h-he's a good guy and I met him at the lake because that is his favorite spot then I befriend him afterward, he started to pay a visit and would play with me that's why I don't feel lonely or sad when I can't go out of the palace. The maids especially Diana already saw him and trusted him," Alexandra explained, fidgeting and playing with her hands as she continued to walk.

"What is his name?" Carlos asked, a curious expression plastered on his face as he spoke in his gentle tone of voice. "H-He really doesn't like it when I tell others his name without asking him, he finds it annoying," Alexandra replied. Half of it was the truth and half of it was a lie but thankfully she was able to say it without looking suspicious. She showed him a wide and sweet smile while she prayed inside her head for him to not ask her any more questions. "I see, I'm glad that you have a friend other than us," Carlos said smiling at Alexandra. When he looked ahead and just continued walking, Alexandra heaved a sigh of relief. I thought she would ask more questions, she thought to herself as she let out a sigh.

"Let's head to the library but I have to go to my room first, I need to get something," Alexandra said and fastened her walking pace. Carlos just nodded and silently followed behind her.

Alexandra heads towards the library since she already went to the courtyard and walked around the palace to look for the maids and talk with them even for a short while earlier after she ate breakfast. Since she already knows where they usually are, it was easy to find them. But before she goes to the library, she needs to go to her room to get the books she borrowed at her father's palace. Their light footsteps resonated and echoed inside the place, it was the only thing heard and piercing through the silence which surrounded them, however, Alexandra felt comfortable and calm because of it. The trip to her room was rather long since it was on the last floor and they need to climb the stairs. It sucks being a kid, getting exhausted easily, she thought to herself.

She didn't let it show that she was exhausted and upon arriving in front of the door of her room, she let out a sigh of relief as Carlos opened the door for her. She entered inside and Carlos remained outside. She walked towards her couch and sat on it first as she stared at the ceiling of her room, she needs to sit first before she goes out of her room and walks down the stairs again. Why do elevators don't exist in this world? She asked herself and groaned. She sat still there for a few minutes before she stood up and picked up three of the books that were placed on top of the table. It was only 2 thin books and 1 thick book but Alexandra couldn't help but complain that it was heavy, however, she was still able to carry it towards the door.

She heaved a sigh, knowing that she can't reach for the knob while holding these books. She placed the books down on the marble floor and grabbed the knob of the door, turning it, swinging the door in the process. Carlos' eyes darted at her and their gazes met. Carlos looked at the stacked books placed down the floor just in front of Alexandra. Alexandra awkwardly laughed while she looked at him, "Please help," Alexandra muttered but Carlos was able to hear it clearly. He chuckled and he bent down just to pick up the books. "It was always my task to help you as your personal knight, miss," Carlos said as she picked the books up and smiled at Alexandra. Wow, he can carry that with just one hand, Alexandra thought to herself when she saw Carlos easily carrying the books with just one arm or hand.

Well, he's a grown-up and a knight with a high-ranking or title, so it's normal for him to easily carry those books and make it look like it was nothing, Alexandra thought as she smiled back at Carlos before they head towards the stairs and walked down.

It took them a while to arrive in front of the wooden door of her library. Carlos easily opened it for her and they went inside. Alexandra walked towards her usual table and seat while Carlos quietly followed behind her and placed the books down on the table when they arrived on the table. Alexandra climbed up her chair and Carlos stood still beside her roaming his eyes around. He was used at the palace's library, so he thinks that the library was small but it was large enough to be filled with multiple books. The books here are rather old since they weren't replaced and there were no new books delivered because it was empty not until Alexandra and the maids occupied the place. Carlos recalled the conversation he had with the emperor yesterday night when Alexandra was inside her room and Diana went inside to do some things like helping her take a bath and lull her to sleep or tell her a story.


Carlos teleported in front of the door of the emperor's office to report and tell him the things that happened today, it was a usual thing. He would always do it every day after Alexandra eats her dinner and go up to her room with Diana. Carlos knocked on the door 3 times before he spoke, "Carlos Ivanlyer, your highness. I am here to—," Before Carlos was able to finish his sentence, he heard a voice coming from the inside. "Come in," It was the emperor's voice.

Carlos grabbed the knob of the door and twisted it open as he gently swung the door open, revealing the insides of the room. There was a golden chandelier hanging in the middle of the room and not far away from him was a desk and the emperor sitting on a chair behind it while Lysander stood still beside him. Alexander stopped working and leaned back his chair, waiting for Carlos to speak. "We met Prince Chandler earlier when we went back after the miss ate her lunch, he was arguing with Prince Christian. They were arguing about the miss, Prince Chandler was telling them to stay away from her but Prince Christian defended the miss and in the end, it was Prince Gilbert who stopped them by interrupting and probably defending Alexandra. He said some mean things that might have hurt Prince Chandler. 'Alexandra's attitude is much better than yours', the line goes like that and Prince Chandler ended up leaving the room, not wanting to argue anymore but he glared at Alexandra," Carlos didn't miss a single detail after he spoke.

"How did Alexandra react?" Alexander asked, hiding the curiosity that laced his voice as he spoke. Carlos thought for a moment as he recalled what happened right after before he responded, "Prince Christian told her some things about what Prince Chandler possibly think about her and the miss ran off after that. I was off-guarded and it took me some time before I ran after her. The miss chased Prince Chandler and what she said to him made me amazed and proud of how brave she was but it was also a reckless move," Carlos said as a smile crept up his lips, recalling Alexandra's act of bravery. His day never gets boring when he's there with her, he was able to witness many sides of her but at the same time, she was truly mysterious and unknown.

"What did she say?" The emperor asked, can't able to contain the curiosity which overwhelmed him. His eyebrows were creased, "She said that she will prove to him that she wasn't the person that he thought, I don't know how she will prove that but I guess she already knows what to do. Prince Chandler responded with, 'Do whatever you want to do', it was like approval and accepting her challenge," Carlos said.

The emperor heaved a sigh. Those kids really are reckless, he thought to himself. He already told them earlier to get along with Alexandra although there was some look of dissatisfaction plastered on their faces. He knows that it will be hard for them to accept the reality that was dawned unto them and what he told them, he doesn't know what to do to change their hearts, he can't force them or else they will hate or worse, turn their backs against him. The emperor has truly started to accept and love Alexandra as her daughter, not because there was some resemblance to his wife but she was her. She made the palace interesting and the atmosphere bubbly once again, Gilbert and Christian are starting to get along once again. It was like his life had a purpose once again.

He was blinded by anger and sadness because of his wife's death and it was hard to move on, he almost killed Alexandra because of that. If Diana didn't arrive, Alexandra wouldn't be here and living. Although there were still some feelings of hate residing inside his heart, it slowly faded. He clearly remembered the words Selena said to him back then. To love the next child no matter what its abilities or gender it has. That was always what she will say to him whenever they will have another child. But when it was Alexandra, it feels like she knows that it will be a girl. Did she—

His thoughts were cut off by Carlos who called out to him. "Your highness," His voice was gentle but the expression that was plastered on his face was a serious one. Alexander couldn't help but get serious because of the expression on his face. Even his voice that was gentle and soft sounded serious. "What?"

"Pardon me for the words that I am going to use but Sir Mark Devan is an insane and mad person. He showed a terrifying and disgusting personality earlier when we were going back to the Wistalia Palace. It seems like he was curious to know who the miss is because he asked multiple staff or people about her, the miss was truly terrified and he was annoying. I have to rush to leave or else they miss would be more terrified or traumatized. The look on his face was absolutely disturbing," Carlos said without stopping. The bubbly and gentle expression plastered on his face slowly turned into a dark and dangerous one. It was clear that he was annoyed and he was emitting this dark aura behind him, this was the terrifying personality of Carlos. You could feel the ominous and powerful aura he radiates and it showed how scary and strong he is. The emperor leaned forward and clasped his hands together making it look like he was praying.

"What are you trying to say?" The emperor asked, eyebrows creased. Lysander raised his guard up seeing the vice-captain of the royal knights emitting that aura. Even though Lysander was the captain of the royal knights and more powerful than him, he couldn't help but feel how powerful and strong he is. "I suggest you lock him in the dungeon and place him under observations, I know that I might sound selfish but it was for the miss' safety and for the others too. I know that he is also a powerful and talented wizard who is hiding a useful piece of information that's why you just let him be and let us knights raise our guards when we are around him. Kicking him out of the palace won't do anything as he can come back and that would raise suspicion, but locking him up would also look suspicious but it would be the best," The emperor hummed hearing Carlos' response.

"I see. We are waiting for that, we can't find a good reason for him to lock him inside the dungeon. I was planning to do that, but doing that without a good reason would raise suspicion and we need 3 people who would speak out the reasons, you are the last one," Alexander said and leaned back his seat. Carlos gradually calmed down and the ominous aura and expression on him also faded. A smile crept up his lips and he bowed at the emperor indicating that he was already done telling him about what happened today.

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