
Ye Chen sacrificed himself

"Why, why is he not affected by the power I have, the power that can destroy the mentality of the enemy I have fought, why?" Kim Ouyi didn't understand why Ye Chen was still standing, he had already used many of his best attacks, and until now every attack was unable to knock or scare Ye Chen.


People saw Ye Chen and Kim Ouyi's battle.


Kim Ouyi was so strong and nicknamed the god of war, that he couldn't even make a wound on Ye Chen's body.


"Who is it?" many people asked, they all wanted to know who Ye Chen was, he could make Kim Ouyi helpless like that.


Kim Ouyi's arrogance was gone, he was truly like a person with no spirit anymore.


"Why?, why can't I win easily?" Kim Ouyi asked Ye Chen.


Why didn't he win against Ye Chen, he should have been able to easily fight Ye Chen.


"You are not aware, of the reason you can win against the enemies you face" Ye Chen said too.


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