
the legacy of the nine tailed fox

"Husband, this place ?" Ye Xiu said to Ye Chen, she felt very comfortable in this place, there is a good feeling about this place


"let's come closer and have a look, it seems that this has something to do with you" Ye Chen said to Ye Xiu, he invited Ye Xiu to come closer.


The other women decided to stay outside, they made Ye Chen and Ye Xiu go inside.


As long as the two entered inside Zhao Yanyan together with the others would not interfere.


"I wonder what will happen to them" Zhi Fuxe wanted to know what would happen to Ye Chen and Ye Xiu.


"Let's just wait here." Zhao Yanyan said to Zhi Fuxe, they could only wait here until Ye Chen and Ye Xiu returned to this place.


Ye Chen and Ye Xiu entered, they entered and a light started to appear and enveloped the statue.


"Finally you guys came too, a soft and pleasant voice sounded, this voice is very soothing to listen to


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