
Ye Chen Vs Dun Yaong battle in the arena (1)

Xue Muer turned out to be quite clever at hiding what happened from her friends, this made Xue Muer safe and not suspected by others.

"Too bad, maybe next time" Ye Chen couldn't continue, maybe next time Ye Chen could do it.

"Fourth round match will start, all participants will gather" a voice echoed, the next match will start soon.

"Hmmm, how strange, this is too fast" Ye Chen saw that the match this time was much faster, it was likely that only strong people were left, so the match was over soon.

Ye Chen returned to the arena, himself entered the arena and waited for his opponent.

Participants began to enter and come, they all began to arrive to enter the arena.

A man started to go up, this man was no longer a stranger to Ye Chen.

"hehehehe" Ye Chen chuckled when he saw this, he didn't expect that he would meet the enemy so soon.

Ye Chen's opponent was Dun Yaong, he became Ye Chen's opponent in this match.

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