
Ye Chen ends Mountain climbing competition

Ye Chen had just defeated Tian Mo, he had already passed Tian Mo who was number 1, now Ye Chen is the leader in the match.

"Not . . ." Tian Mo tried to regain the position he was in, it was a shame when he tried to reach Ye Chen's place, Ye Chen got further and further away.

Tian Mo kept trying to climb up, himself trying to catch up with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen accelerated the speed he had, the Ye Chen who was now far left Tian Mo behind.

"No way, this can't be happening" Tian Mo couldn't believe what happened, Tian Mo couldn't believe it when he saw Ye Chen who was already quite far from Tian Mo's place.

Ye Chen's disappearing figure made Tian Mo feel defeated, he had just been humiliated by Ye Chen.

Tian Mo couldn't accept being defeated by Ye Chen, even so he couldn't do anything about this matter.

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