
Find magical beast's Quest

"There's nothing around this place." Ye Chen still didn't find any sign of a powerful monster dwelling around this place.

The quest given by Mu Xueying was not clear, this quest made Ya Chen have to find the monster he would hunt.

"In front there are several tents" Min Caun told everyone that in front there were several tents standing.

"Maybe they know about the monsters that are in a hurry, let's go right now" Ye Chen took Min Caun to ask the people around this place.

Ye Chen and Min Caun approached, they tried to ask the people living around the tent.

When Ye Chen and Min Caun tried to get closer, they didn't find anyone.

"there is no one around this place" Ye Chen and Min Caun felt strange, they found no sign of anyone around this place.

"You're right, there's no sign of anyone around this place, it's quite strange" Min Caun quite agreed with what Ye Chen said, he totally agreed when he heard what Ye Chen said.

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