
Looking for items that can raise inheritance

Chu Yuechan took the God Sealing Cube from Ye Chen's hands, he started to try to open the God Sealing Cube by trying all kinds of words she knew.

Too bad Chu Yuechan failed, nor was she able to open the God Sealing Cube.

"It's useless." Chu Yuechan didn't think that opening the God Sealing Cube would be so difficult, what kind of words would be used to open the God Sealing Cube.

"I'll give it a try too." Mu Xueying decided to give it a try, herself deciding to try opening the God Sealing Cube.

Mu Xueying tried what she knew, Mu Xueying used various languages ​​and vocabulary to open the God Sealing Cube.

Too bad Mu Xueying couldn't do much either, she couldn't open the God Sealing Cube.

Ye Chen, Mu Xueying and Chu Yuechan tried their best, they tried their best to open the God Sealing Cube.

The three tried their best to open, they tried for several days to open the God Sealing Cube.

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