
Alchemist competition begins

Ye Chen went to the center of the stadium, it just so happened that in the middle of the stadium there was a fairly large stage, on this stage, there were hundreds of tables lined up very neatly.

Ye Chen went and looked for the whereabouts of his table, a hint is given by the committee, Ye Chen finally arrived in front of his desk.

Ye Chen looked at the participants around him, there were already several participants gathered around this place, they were all standing in front of the table and waiting for the competition to start.

There were not as many participants who attended, so some vacant places were not filled.

Ye Chen saw the whereabouts of Fai Tui and Kun Paen, he wanted to know the whereabouts of these two.

After searching for a while, Ye Chen finally found the whereabouts of Fai Tui and Kun Paen, both of whom were at the very center and would most likely be very conspicuous.

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