
Martial competition (3)

The first participant started trying to show the strength he had to everyone in this place.

" Bang " the participant uses the strongest technique at his disposal to strike at the measuring device.

"83,000" 5 digit numbers directly indicated by the measuring instrument of strength.

The results obtained by this person were quite good, he was able to get a score of 83,000 which was already very good.

After the first participant finished, the second participant immediately came forward and tried the strength he had.

The second participant was much lower than the first participant, this participant was only able to get around 74,000.

One by one the participants started to try their strengths, they all showed all the strengths they had to get the best results.

Among the normal participants who tried, the best would get 88,000, even then his strength was already at the 4th stage of ancient warrior realm.

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