
Ye Chen demanded a promise

"Ye Chen! ! ! ! ! ! ! "In a while, Cheng Mengyan and the Seventh beauties arrived in front of Ye Chen.

They all called Ye Chen's name very compactly, they all looked worried about Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, you haven't decided to choose which woman you want, you will choose one of them or you want all of them", Qing Yinan told Ye Chen to choose one of these Seven beauties.

"Ye Chen choose me" one by one the beauty shouted for Ye Chen to choose her.

After seeing the strength possessed by Ye Chen these beauties made up the determination they had to get Ye Chen, no matter what happened they had to get Ye Chen.

No matter how they should be able to get Ye Chen, if they can get Ye Chen, then the future they have will be very bright.

"I will choose Cheng Mengyan only, for other women I do not need them" Ye Chen firmly said rejection of these six beauties.

The six beauties felt shocked when they heard Ye Chen reject them so rawly like this.

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