
Passed The Bodyguard Test

"Yes, you passed" Long Zen said in a stuttering voice.

Long Zen had seen this scene once when he was still in the army, at that time the first troops in this country were also able to do things like this, the difference was the burden they were carrying several times heavier than this.

Dragon army units are the most powerful troops in the army, their strength is still the most powerful in the whole country.

It is said that 1 member of the dragon army can defeat 10 battalions of special warriors like himself.

That's why Long Zen was surprised to see Ye Chen can lift a 200kg barbell very easily.

Long Zen began to suspect that Ye Chen was a former member of the dragon army.

"Alright we will proceed to the second test" Long Zen brought to 3 people who passed different spatial training.

In the room this time there were several bags filled with sand.

Ye Chen and the two others wondered what he wanted to do with this sandbag.

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