

The orange cat swiftly ran forward.


It was charging towards the ice and snow that covered the ground.


The gentle voice hurriedly shouted:


『 Be careful, don't come here! 』


The orange cat ferociously uttered a 'meowwww' in reply.


He didn't care about anything else.


If you don't give me that light, I'll just eat your power.

With so much crystallized energy manifested as white snow on the ground, you think you can hide them from me?


The orange cat stopped at the border of the blanket of snow, then bit off a big chunk.


It's icy.

It's cold.

…as well as a pleasant sensation, and something else.

What are these things?


The orange cat only pondered for a single moment before he stopped thinking.


Whatever, as long as I can eat them!


Next chapter