
Party up

"So it really was you..." Jess muttered quietly as she looked at Eiro, and the Demon slowly nodded his head in response, "Mhm. Seems like you guys are doing pretty well, huh?" Eiro pointed out, and Krog just stared at him with a deep glare.

"What do you want? You here in this town to finish us off? We heard what happened back then during the Autumn Equinox." Krog basically growled. Eiro slowly shook his head, "That's not why I'm here. It's a coincidence, really. I had no idea this is where you lived."

"Not gonna react to the equinox comment, eh?" The large warrior noticed, in response to which Eiro simply shrugged, "Why should I? I did nothing wrong back then."

"You- You did nothing wrong?!" Jess exclaimed loudly, and then lowered her voice when she noticed some other adventurers were drawn to them through her loud voice, "You killed dozens of soldiers from the Holy Kingdom... as well as a noble from there... And you call that 'nothing'?"

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