
It's A Treasure Hunt

(Lian Li POV)

I smiled upon seeing Master disappear right in front of us, no doubt having teleported somewhere else to 'escape' from us.

"Ufufufu~ I did tell you that Master would most likely reject the idea~" Manami giggled.

Diao chan pouted, "Uuu… I thought Master might be more receptive to the idea if it was Sister Lian Li suggesting it…"

I scoffed, "Even Master could see from a mile away that this was definitely your idea. There's no way I would suggest something that shameless on my own."

Brendan looked out into the festival grounds, "I suppose Master is most likely somewhere in the festival exploring the place. And I believe He would be using some kind of Technique that would prevent anyone else from recognising Him."

Kiyomi rolled her eyes, "I doubt Master even needs to rely on something as crude as that anymore. The entire Universe bends to His will."

"Ara, ara? Is my dear little Kiyomi getting wet?"

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