
Just Sex In Space (*RRR)

"Onii-sama…" Elaria whispered, cuddling even closer to me while her hand continued to stroke my thigh.

"Hmm? What is it?" I asked, acting coy.

"Ehehe… This feels a little weird doesn't it?"

I looked around us, "The fact that we're floating in Zero-G while looking up at the stars?"

"Mmhmm~ It's also quite exciting isn't it?"

"On the contrary, this feels more relaxing than exciting, don't you think?"

"Being with Onii-sama makes me excited~"

I chuckled before pulling her closer to me, "Well… I already know what you want, so why don't you just go ahead and do it?"

Her face brightened up, "Oh! Can I, Onii-sama?"

"Isn't that what we're here for?"

She giggled before floating herself up into the air, allowing herself to slowly move towards the bottom half of my body.

She tried to pull down my pants but since we were floating in Zero-G, her action only caused me to get pulled towards her instead.

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