
Seconds Before Disaster (*RR)

(Iris POV)

Everything was going just as planned.

It was quite amusing to see those 'disciples' of Master still trying to go against what has been fated to be.

From the very beginning, I had already determined that this should be the End so who do they think they are that they could overturn what I had decided?

Ufufufu~ How amusing indeed~

Now, everything is almost in place. In just a little while more, Master shall be perfected and the Universe shall return to how it should always have been.

Master does not need anyone else, He just needs me~ We can just forget about everyone else~

"Isn't that right, Master?" I asked.

Master did not even show any indication of having heard me and continued to stare off into the distance.

Haaaa~ That perfectly straight back, that aura of knowing everything and disregarding everything around Himโ€ฆ That is the perfect Master~

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