
More Blood, More Satisfaction

(Lian Li POV)

Stepping foot into the slums, I was hit with the odd sense of nostalgia.

It almost felt like returning home… Except that this home was the definition of hell and you had to fight tooth and nail to even survive to see the next sunrise.

As if to prove my point, three men surrounded me not five steps away from the entrance, all of them holding improvised knives with a hungry look on their faces.

"Hey there miss… It looks like you're a little lost. We can guide you out for all the money and food you have on you right now."

I didn't really feel like wasting time on them so I just waved my hand, blasting the one who spoke with a spear of lightning.

His head exploded into a fountain of gore before his body toppled backward, still twitching in its death throes.

The two thugs behind who were supposed to cut off my means of escape stepped backwards fearfully, until their own heads also exploded from my blasts of lightning.

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