
Stop Moaning And Just Eat Please


Since we're guests at a Goddess's domain, I felt it would be nice if I were to be the one to cook for everyone this time.

I saw that the air was quite tense when I returned and remembering how making cookies for those three administrator gods solved the conflict, I thought by volunteering to cook will help ease tensions here a bit.

I was a little confused by Iris's question though, isn't decay and disease also part of the cycle of life? And it's also kind of under her domain since it's also bringing an End to life?

Hmm… Maybe she was jealous?

'Ara, ara? I was most certainly not jealous, Master~'

Right, I need to remember she can hear that. So any reason why you asked me that question?

'Ara? I already said so, Master. There was no reason~'

Sure it was…

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