
A Quick Search


We managed to finish our ramen dinner without any incidents.

A curious thing was that Lian Li had no idea how to use chopsticks but knew how to use a knife and fork.

Did her instincts also get mixed up or something?

Like that time where I pinched Tsuki's cheek, it was something I would do in my previous life constantly but not in my new one. I might not have remembered it, but my instinct did, that's why I did it to her subconsciously.

So for Lian Li to have trouble using something she had basically been using all her life, that's a little worrying.

Perhaps her entry into this world messed up her psyche a little, I need to remember to check on her mentality when we get back to the other world in case of any lasting debilitations.

Now I'm a little worried about the rest of my disciples if they do come to this world.

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