
Bringing A Nuke To A Knife Fight

(Diao Chan POV)

I raised an eyebrow at the tree in front of me.

The tree itself seemed normal but all over it was scrawled with various kinds of carvings and decorations that seemed very bizarre in nature.

There were sticks arranged in some weird star like pattern and even some of the scratchings of said pattern were present on the tree itself.

Hmm… Looking closer at it, the sticks seem more like the outline of a stick man than a star. I wonder what this particular symbol means?

Right behind the tree was what looked like a log cabin, weathered with age and barely visible in the night's darkness. The orb of light I had summoned shining above me was only enough to illuminate the front part of the building, albeit barely.

I looked behind me, contemplating the trail of destruction I had wrought on my way here.

Trees had been uprooted and tossed aside while dead animals of various sizes lay burning or skewered all around.

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