
Chapter 69: Clandestine of the Silent Grave

Faint grey skies with hint of raindrops greeted Wei Yue, MoXiao, and LanRong. Sounds of seagulls reverberated as they have arrived at the main port of Shui Guo. The place reeks of fish and the primary source of income was bulk fishing due to the abundance of fishes in the peninsula. Shui Guo was a small country yet people who are living there are blessed with luxurious lives.

"As expected, Shui Guo was just a small country your highness."

"Keep your eyes sharp MoXiao. Look for the hints what LanRong meant."

"The dead. Find the dead and bring her to justice."

"Yes your highness."

MoXiao excused himself and let LanRong accompany Wei Yue into the palace. Before he left, Moxiao gave LanRong a whistle pendant.

"Blow the whistle if you need me. I'll be nearby."


He caressed her hair and afterwards left headed for the crowd. LanRong sighed and then joined Wei Yue. As they were nearing the palace, LanRong's sense of smell captured a foul stench of rotting flesh mixed with the putrid smell of blood. She covered her nose and Wei Yue had noticed this.

"LanRong... Is it near?"

"Yes your highness. Not only was it near, it smelled something evil."

"We'll get into the bottom of this when MoXiao finds the corpse."


The servants welcomed them with awe. As expected, all of the maids wore cerulean robes which is a sign that they work for the royal family. One servant came forth and bowed in front of them.

"Your highness, Wei… Her highness, BeiYin had been expecting you. Please come this way."

Leading them to the inner chamber of the palace, the servant walked with poise and precision. She led them on the throneroom and as they arrived, BeiYin stood up from her seat.

Wei Yue paid respects to her majesty by bowing his head. LanRong also did the same and BeiYin commanded them to take a seat.

"Wei Yue... How has it been? 30 years? 50 years?"

"I have lost track of the years, grandmother."

"Ha—ha! You're rather amusing. Well, could you tell me how is your father? Is he well?"

"He passed away."

"I'm sorry. Uh, how was your kingdom?"

"It was conquered yet I managed to reclaim it back. Thanks to my friends."

"I've heard all about it. Your friend here, why isn't she speaking? What's your name, dear?"

"I am Zhuge LanRong, Goddess of Truth and Justice. I came from the ninth heaven to accompany XuanWu and XuanZheng."

"An immortal?! Wei Yue! Why haven't you said anything about her being an immortal?"

"Save it Grandmother. First, I have something to discuss with you. Something important."

"Hao. I'll dismiss all of the servants."

BeiYin clapped her hands and all of the servants exited the throneroom leaving only the three of them seated circling on the round table.

"Grandmother… Have you known about LiuFang Asuro?"

"He's my father. Why do you ask?"

Wei Yue's brows tinged up. He felt his nerves explode learning about how Asuro was related to him.

"A… And… Grandmother… I— I have something to tell you."

"Another something? Wei Yue… If you had come to pester me, now is not a good time I'm having a headache and Cao Cao's wedding is—"

"Grandmother! Your father had became the sixth demon lord!"

BeiYin let go of the teacup that she held on her hands. The teacup fell on the floor and shattered to a thousand pieces. Her mind was in a trance as she picked up the pieces. Blood dripped as she cut her hands on the broken glasses.

Wei Yue and LanRong knelt on the floor and helped the pitiful Empress Dowager up.


"Your highness… Please get a hold of yourself! The Lunar Empress told us the truth. Please hear us out."

BeiYin's dumbfoundedness countinued until Cao Cao went inside the throneroom and asked servants to escort the guests outside.

"Maids, escort them outside."

"Wait, Ayí Cao Cao. Grandmother must hear the whole truth, nothing but the truth!"

"No! My mother had heard enough. Her health had been poor eversince the great war, please leave now."

The maids are ready to escort them out of thw room when Wei Yue conjured a jade staff on his hand and flung the maids across the room with a mighty hurl.

Cao Cao took a pink-colored sword from it's sheath and used it to withstand the impact coming from the power of his staff. When she saw that the force had dissipated, she bared her sword towards Wei Yue.

Wei Yue twisted his staff and met with Cao Cao's sword dance. His magic is on equal footing with hers and the impact sent them apart from each other.

Their determination on winning burned inside them to the point where the ornaments from inside the throneroom were almost half-destroyed.

With a blink, their attacks stopped as BeiYin deflected them with magic using a snap of her fingers. Both of their weapons levitated away from them which caused them to stop their useless fight.

"Enough! Cao Cao… Please stay outside."

"But mother!"

"Listen to me!"

Cao Cao stomped her foot on a picked up her sword from levitating putting it back on it's sheath. She gave a cold shoulder on Wei Yue and LanRong before she headed back yet, she whispered…

"Next time, I won't go easy on you. You maybe my brother's son but don't think that I'll give mercy on insolent humans like you."

"As you say."

Cao Cao let off a huff as she went outside. BeiYin called Wei Yue and LanRong once again and sat on the table properly.

"Where were we? What exactly happened why my father became the sixth demon lord?"

"300 years ago, your father made a terrible mistake. Before you were born, your mother was murdered by a technique which your father taught on the mortals exclusively, on the school of Emei which he founded himself."

"Technique? My father… What was he?"

"He's a high immortal from the ninth heaven."

"High Immortal… I see…"

"Well… Your father murdered the culprit yet, he paid the price for his imprudence… He became the sixth demon lord of the Dark Realm. He hopes to see you one day. Please… Grandmother… It has been 5 days now and the moon still is painted in blood. Until we bring back the Lunar Empress, our country will be in danger."

"I… I will speak with him."

"Thank you Grandmother… Secondly… LanRong go ahead and tell her…"

"Yes, your highness.… Well… Has her highness know a woman named… Cao Sishao?"

"Cao Sishao? She's the one who committed suicide. Because of her death, the great war started."

"Your highness… She did not commit suicide. She… She was murdered."


From the dark corners of the kingdom of Shui Guo, a suspicious shadow entered a small alleyway leading into the basement of the palace. MoXiao seized this opportunity to follow the suspicious shadow without blowing off his cover. By the teachings of Tangmen, he disguised himself as a spider and slowly crept and followed the shadow.

As he was nearing the door, he slowly peeked inside and saw the shadow taking form into a human. A preserved naked corpse of a woman was hanging on a rope with her hands and feet tied. The smell of rotting corpse and blood made him want to vomit yet he kept his disguise to figure out what the culprit wants to do with the corpse.

"Ayí. I am sorry for this. Father wanted you to marry KuangHui but I objected so I killed you. I loved you so much ayí."

MoXiao felt sick of what he was witnessing so he rushed outside the basement and puked himself up.

'That's very unpleasant.'

A while later, he heard sounds of footsteps closing by and he hurriedly transformed himself into a bird perching on a nearby tree.

The culprit went outside holding a knife and looking at the surroundings. He never saw MoXiao but he noticed the wet vomit on the ground.

MoXiao flew faraway and went inside the palace where LanRong , Wei Yue and BeiYin were seated.

He transformed himself into his original state and reported the matter to his and her highnesses.

"My liege… I have found her."

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