
Chapter 15 - The Truth

Uriel decided to hire a car towards the nearest open station because the station close to Uriel's hotel room is closed. Angeline went with him as his tour guide. Angeline then realised she could have hired someone to drive her home, but still realised that it is dangerous as she still new to her powers and she is not sure how to use them properly yet and she doesn't want anyone to find out. Uriel and Angeline took the train after, and went towards Central London to visit the different popular places around London like the London Eye, Big Ben, Tower Bridge (also known as London Bridge in other countries that splits in half when a big ship comes), and the Buckingham Palace. They also stopped by a restaurant when they got hungry and continued the tour. After almost visiting the places, since Angeline also talked about other places that is not so famous but they are also good and cool places to visit, so Uriel asked her if they can go there next time. Angeline agreed because he is a friend and someone who came from the same country as her as she left her country when she was still young and she misses her country. She then realised she got enough money now to buy a ticket for a holiday to visit her home country. When Angeline finally got home as Uriel brought her back home and met all the 4 guys living with her and Uriel found out she is actually living with 4 men, which includes her boyfriend. Knowing that Angeline is the one he is looking for ever since he had that last vision with her seeing her as someone else who looks exactly like the one in his dreams, and that is why he thought he was dreaming again instead of having vision, he cannot accept that he is living with them and wanted to join them, since they still have one more room available. The 5 rooms are taken by them, the other one by their chief helper, and the other one is available.

Uriel: Can I join you guys for just one week? So I am closer to central and the other malls, and shops. I am just visiting here looking for someone, I still got 1 week left.

Michael: Joining us? Tell us why you were with my girlfriend first?

Uriel: Oh, I asked her to tour me around London today when I met her on the train, I heard her speak in Filipino.

Marius: Wow! So, you are a filipino too like us? Except for Raphael.

Uriel: You guys speak Filipino?

Gabriel: We can understand but we don't really speak..

Michael: Yeah. I was born here in UK, and Gabriel was born in Spain.

Marius: I can speak, even though I was born in the US.

Uriel: Oh I see, so that's why.

Michael knows he is telling the truth but somewhat lying as he can read his mind but it is kinda blurry and he wonders why he can't read his mind well and asked Raphael but Raphael also experiences the same thing and wonders why, they then asked Gabriel if he does too and they all wonder why they can read his mind but somewhat confusing and blurry, they cannot see clearly the images above his head. Uriel smiles seeing how confused the 3 men are and realised they also have powers to read minds and has probably touched Angeline's too. Angeline was able to read his mind realising he got the same powers but more stronger when they had that vision and had sex when he touched her breasts, he also touched her pearl without them realising and the new pearl got into Uriel's hand but it was thrown besides them as they did not notice the pearl and Uriel found the pearl beside him the next morning when they woke up but he did not tell Angeline as he saw Angeline already has a pearl necklace and he wanted to have the same necklace as her and the pearl seems to have powers as it kept on following him, until he realised the truth when he tried to read Angeline's mind and wanted to have the power to see beyond and know the truth and he got the power of Light, then the Sound, and he kept on wanting to know more about the truth and wanted to protect Angeline and know who she really is. He got the power of Earth next to try and change his appearance that might be able to give him a clue.

Raphael: *He seems mysterious. I need to know why we can't read his mind properly or why the images are blurry.*

Gabriel: *Should we ask him?*

Raphael: *If we does, he will find out the truth about us. Let us let him join us and maybe we can find a way to solve this problem while we are living with him, living with him may help us understand why is it like this.*

Michael: *I don't really want to agree but if Raphael says so, and there is no really other way, but I don't trust him. We don't understand or know what is on his mind, so I don't really trust him to let him live but since we got powers anyways, if he does something not good, we can use our powers.*

Raphael: *That is settled then.* Uriel, you can join us.

Uriel: Thank you so much for letting me. *Haha! Good thing they did not found out that I got powers too. This is amazing, I guess they don't know how to confuse people who can read minds. I can still be with Angeline and found out more about the vision we had. I know there is still something else, all I know is that she is the woman from my dreams and her other name could be Charmeine and I am Michael, but why we had different names? And where is that palace in our vision, it was definitely not Buckingham Palace.*

Angeline: *I have been reading all your minds and don't think I cannot read yours Uriel. I am just staying quiet because I don't really know what to say and what to do if they found out that something happened between us and I don't want to hide anything from Michael, my boyfriend, not the one in my vision.*

Uriel: *So, you know too? Don't you think we're actually meant to be? You're the woman I am looking for. What if we are meant to be? We are actually in love?*

Angeline: *You know I have a boyfriend, and I love him. I can't be with you, neither fall in love with you.*

Uriel: Where will be my room?

Raphael: Oh, come with me. I'll show you your room, the last room available.

Uriel: That sounds like a bad room.

Raphael: Not really, all rooms are almost similar, except the last 2 rooms down the hallway. Your room is the 4th one beside mine. Mine is the 2nd. The 1st room is Michael's room, beside Angeline's room, which is the 3rd room. Gabriel's room is the 5th one beside Angeline's room as well. My room is across Michael's room and Angeline's room. Your room will be across Angeline's room and Gabriel's room. Marius is at the 6th room. The chief helper is at the 7th room.

Uriel: Oh, Marius is on the 6th?

Raphael: Yeah, he wanted a cheaper room, he is renting, living here is not free, except for Angeline who helped me when I was new here in this country as well. Michael and Gabriel has better work, so they are living at the 2nd bigger size rooms, the biggest are yours and mine.

Uriel: Wait! I can't pay that much, I know I am a celebrity but I am not sure if I can pay.

Raphael: Celebrity? You mean those people who shows up on TV?

Uriel: Yes.

Angeline: He is a celebrity from my home country, he is actually famous there, he works as an actor, model, and he is also an athlete, but his main job is actually modelling or brand ambassador, and sometimes acting and racing.

Michael: You seem to know a lot about him.

Angeline: Not really. I just used to watch one of his shows before when he started acting, and he seemed familiar and thought I saw him before when I was young so I searched his name and about him but turned out I don't really know him and haven't met him before.

Michael: Oh I see. *I guess she is telling the truth. Her mind also says so but she forgot to mention she used to love him before and he is her celebrity crush.*

Angeline: *Sorry, Michael. I just thought you wouldn't find out and I don't want him to know. Besides, I already have you now. You're the one I love.*

Michael: *It's okay, I believe you and I don't want him to hear that either.*

Angeline: *Wait! I just remembered something.. oh nevermind.*

Michael: *What is it? Arghhh.. why am I also having hard time reading your mind now too.*

Angeline: *What? Uriel, did you do something on my mind? Just like how you did to yours?*

Uriel: *Nope, but thanks to that he did not find out I can read minds and I know you were in love with me, I am your celebrity crush.*

Angeline: *I knew it. Good thing you did not react in real life knowing what you just found out. I guess you're good at acting then. You're really an actor.*

Uriel: *Are you falling for me again?*

Angeline: *I told you, I love my boyfriend, not you.*

Uriel: *Charmeine.. why can't you remember?*

Angeline: *Remember what?*

Uriel: *Hah! You responded! You know you're the one I was talking about. You should remember.*

Angeline: *Ah I.. I only responded because that was my name on our vision last night but that does not mean I remember, and I don't even know what you are talking about.*

Raphael: *This is bad. Why can't we read or see what Angeline is thinking now too. Does Uriel has something to do with this? Does he has powers too? Or is he a black pearl owner?*

Angeline: *He is not a black pearl owner.*

Raphael: *Oh, we can finally read your mind. What happened?*

Angeline: *I think that was me or I am not sure how I did that. Maybe because I was thinking of something I shouldn't?*

Michael: *Anyways, atleast we can read yours now, but we still can't read his. Maybe he is thinking of something he shouldn't too or he is confused as well?*

Raphael: *We will find that out soon. He is going to live with us anyways.*

Marius: How about Angeline moves to the 4th room, instead?

Michael: What? No! I am on the 1st and she will be a bit far from me.

Gabriel: I can't afford the 4th room anymore. Sorry, I can only afford this.

Michael: Okay, I will move to the 4th room. He can take mine, the 1st room. It is cheaper than the 4th room. I am still at least closer to Angeline's room.

Raphael: Okay, then.

So, Michael moved all of his stuffs to the 4th room, and Uriel went back to his hotel to get all his stuffs and bring back to Raphael's house and put them on the 1st room.

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