
Caster, Saber and Archer

"The name of the power is 'Glory Girl'"

Yu wanted to give Medea power of Victoria Dallon or Glory Girl. An Ability that able to generates invisible forcefield That extends a few millimetres over her skin and clothes. That will result in Super Human Strenght that able to lift 7 tons object, Durability that forcefield generate able to withstand a direct nuclear blast. Still, after the direct attack to the forcefield, it must be recharged, and cannot be used for 1 hour, and lastly an ability to Fly.

Medea power able to make her floating an in the air but can't manoeuvre as much as she like but with this power, she will able to withstand Servant like Berserker, Saber, Lancer and Rider when she needs to fight in a close combat situation.

"Glory Girl? What power is that?" Medea asked him

Yu then explain to her about Glory Girl Power and all its capabilities.

".... And not just Brute and Mover Classification. Glory Girl has Shaker classification" Yu finished explaining Glory Girl Power.

"Brute Mover and Shaker?"

"Ahhh, my power has 12 classification Mover, Shaker, Brute, Breaker, Master, Tinker, Blaster, Thinker, Striker, Changer, Trump, and Stranger."

Yu was then explaining the meaning of all classification to Medea.


Mover Has power-enhancing mobility.

Shaker Has a power with an area of effect.

Brute Has enhanced strength or durability.

Breaker Can shift into another state.

Master Can control others or create minions.

Tinker Can create or alter devices with futuristic technology.

Blaster Is a ranged, offensive threat.

Thinker Focuses on information gathering.

Striker Has a power that is melee-ranged or touch-based.

Changer Can alter their form or appearance.

Trump Can manipulate powers in some capacity.

Stranger Focuses on stealth or infiltration.


"So do you want it?" Yu asked

"Yes, please give me the power" Medea nodded her head

Yu then take her hand and Command his power to give Medea Glory Girl Ability a second later a good chunk of his Charges left his body and create power he desires then transfer it to Medea.


Glory Girl

An Ability that able to generates invisible forcefield That extends a few millimetres over her skin and clothes. That will result in Super Human Strenght that able to lift 7 tons object, Durability that forcefield generate able to withstand a direct nuclear blast. Still, after the direct attack to the forcefield, it must be recharged, and cannot be used for 1 hour, and lastly an ability to Fly.

Charged Used: 65

Charged Left: 3921


After Yu finished transfer the power to Medea, he then looks at her new Parameter.


True Name: Medea

Strength: A

Endurance: A+

Agility: A

Mana: EX

Luck: B


And her new Personal Skill 'Glory Girl' with the power giving already finished Yu and his Companion go to sleep.

~~~ Revilta Edelfelt~~~

Revilta and his servant Saber make a patrol through the night then out of nowhere, and arrow comes toward them. Revilta who don't feel the arrow coming just walking with a leisure pace but Saber who feel the arrow a mile away began to take his master to safety.

"Servant of Bow will you show yourself to me?" Saber called out the servant

After a few seconds of silent Archer began to show himself out of the shadow.

"Greeting, You must be the one that shoots the arrow. Well, then shall we begin?" Saber said with a smile while summoning his sword.

While Saber engaging Archer, Revilta busy using her clairvoyance to see Archer parameter. Revilta shocked about his Parameter.


Strength: A

Endurance: B

Agility: A

Mana: A

Luck: B

NP: A++

Revilta shocked to see such monstrous parameter with that kind parameter Archer must be a famous Hero whose legend should be known across the world. Every human should be heard his name once or twice in their lifetime.

While His master still shocked with Archer parameter Saber who was currently engaging Archer with such ferocity and Archer answer it with a counter-attack that should be killing low tier servant in an instant.

They continue fighting in close combat fight for 10 minutes then saber kicked Archer and activated his GodSpeed skill that temporarily makes his Agility up to EX and appears at Archer back and slashes his sword to Archer back. Still, to his surprise, his sword cant penetrates Archer skin and do damage to it before saber able to thinking about it Archer then change his Arrow to purple arrow that the smell is so foul. He then knocks his bow with that arrow and fires it toward saber, Saber with his GodSpeed still active able to avoid the arrow and see the arrow that Archer fire melt everything on its path.

"That is a nasty poison you got there Archer" Saber said

Archer stay silent and look up toward the post lamp in the corner of the street.

"I see, so you feel them too, huh?" Saber said

"What is it, saber? What you feel?"

"There is another servant beside us master."

Revilta then look around her to see where the other servant is

"Servant that hiding in the corner will you show yourself?"

Saber said

Revilta then see space cracked, and out of it is a Servant that look like a Caster and beside her is a man that must be her master, The man itself holding a child hand who is eating a Lolipop.

"I'm Servant Caster, Greeting Saber and Archer"

Revilta then uses her clairvoyance to see the Servant Parameter.


Strength: A

Endurance: A+

Agility: A

Mana: EX

Luck: B


'What kind of Servant is THAT?!?' Revilta thought in panic.

"Hello there Caster will you join us?"

"Don't mind me if I do" Caster said to saber.

Caster then Summons her staff and start to fly then fire her spell toward both Saber and Archer.

"AERO!" Shouted

A gale of wind coming from her staff and launch it toward Saber and Archer. Saber who his Godspeed still active able to avoid it without any problem, Archer though he stands there without any care and receive all the damage. A few seconds later and all the dust disappear Archer body doesn't have a single Scratch.

Looking at both of them near each other, Revilta commands his servant to attack both of them with Sabre Noble Phantasm and power it up with a Command Seal.

'Saber uses your Noble Phantasm and kills both of them in single Blast, and I will power up your Noble Phantasm with my Command Seal.' Revilta said through her mind

'Very well, master.'

Saber then summons his 'True Sword'. The sword itself comes with a blue scarab that releases fae power.

"By this command seal, I command you saber to use your Noble Phantasm with double power."

As she said her command, a part of her command seal began to disappear.

"O Sword of Forever Distant Victory, Grant me with your blessing."

Saber then raises his sword high. On the other side Archer who silent the entire time began to speak.

"You who stand before me shall fall and torn to pieces."

Archer Knock his bow.

"EX-" Saber sword began to produce a high amount of holy power

"Nine Lives" Archer bow make a long arrow that should not be able to use in his current bow

"CALIBUR!!!" Saber then swings his sword down

"Shooting the Hundred Heads!!!" Archer released his Arrow

Both of them launch their Noble Phantasm toward Caster who in the middle of them both.

Before both of Noble Phantasm able to reach Caster, Caster master fly toward caster and raise his arms toward both Noble Phantasm and said.

"Divide, Divide, Divide"

After he said that for 50 times, all noble phantasm that was coming toward them began to disappear.

"Huuu, Now that is dangerous."

He said with a smile

I cant post chapter tomorrow because I'm going to work at 7 am until 9 pm, so I don't have time for posting.

Because of that, I will post the chapter right now


If you want to read two chapters ahead


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts
Next chapter