

Vladamir was not a patient man and kind was not what any would describe him as. So to have to wait for the six Witches to gather themselves was irritating but he knew that he had sworn their protection and he was regretting it dearly.

The six of them somehow managed to all fit on the damn bed and cuddled together. Each of them exhausted and the younger three quickly fell asleep. It was the three oldest that were left to talk and he looked at them expectantly.

"To begin with we are the only and last survivors of The Moonlight Coven. The original coven as it is also known. The three of us are Triplets and that is rare in of itself for our Coven.My name is Seraphina and I'm the eldest."

the pink haired woman explained and yawned as the orange haired man continued.

"I'm the youngest Terbon and he is Normac " said brother grunted in response as he checked over their sister for any remaining injuries. "As everyone knows the Rougues started this war that lead to our imprisonment on this island."

Vladamire rolled his eyes. Yes everyone knew the cause of their current predicament. "Yes what does that have to do with any of this?"

"What no one know is that it was the banished Warlocks that created the Rougues in the first place. Warlocks are banished Witches who broke the Laws and their vows to follow the Rede. First let me explain what it means to be a Witch and tell you our Rede." with the agreement from the Vampire King before them they three of them began their tale.


" To be a Witch is to love and be loved. To harm none and to know the ways of the old. To be a Witch is to see beyound the barriers and to follow the Moon and be one with the Gods. It is to study and learn; to be the teacher and the student. To be a Witch is to acknowledge the truth and to take responsibility for your own actions and blame no outside force for what you do. To be a Witch is to live with the Earth and not just in it. To know, to dare, to will, and to keep silent. To be a Witch is to truly befree.

The Wiccan Rede is to Bude by the Wiccan Law in perfect love and trust. To do what ye will and harm none. What ye send out will come back to thee so ever mind the Rule of Three. Follow this with mind and heart. Merry Meet and Merry Part." they recited it in perfect unison and looked at him.

"Now a Witch is male or female that follows these laws and abide by thr Rede but a Warlocks is any witch who turns their back on their vow and uses their blessed magicks for selfish gain and dark interest. Thus the Warlocks began to form an army of other Rougues and set up the war against the humans as a smoke screen to take out all the Wiccans left. It worked but it worked too well. Coven after Coven was annihilated and all the Moons Children were caught, slaughtered and expiramented on. "

"As we were trapped on this island the Witches went into hiding so as to stop the dwindling of our already low numbers. Covens died and our children were born in death. Our Goddess and Gods were angered with us as it was our Rougues that caused this to happen. So the only remaining Covens argued amongst themselves until they found a solution."

"The solution was for the Original Coven; The Moonlight Coven to pledge a vow to the Goddess and God to never use their powers for harm and to only heal. The Vow was changed by the Goddess to the first born child of the next generation will be cursed to hold the vow to never use their power in an offensive manner and to only be able to heal. The Gods disagreed with Her and granted that the first born shall be born with two more who could protect and use their magicks but only in protection of the first. Am other Witches need not be cursed but the punishment for our Ancestors crimes was that the next generation of children woulf be the last children born unless peace was made between all the Moons Children."

"Obviously their words rang true when the Moonlight Coven Leader fell pregnant but in surprise with triplets. That was unforseen even by the Gods themselves. Three more children were born in the Original Coven so to abide the Rule of three. Three Sons and Three Daughters were born to each of the tweleve suriving Covens. But we were put into hiding until all othetrs but the children were left alive. Then the children scattered across the Island of Ellenstien until it was time to be together again. "

"Unfortunately not many of the Children surivived. Only thirteen of the seventy two Children are still alive and you're looking at six of them right now. "

"The three of us are the Triplets from the Moonlight Coven and gifted with the powers of Fire from the Gods. Paulina, Jennyfer and Nathaniel are from the SunGod Coven. We found them in our travels and took them in. We travel lookong for the surviving Children from the other Covens. But the twelve Covens have quickly become six Covens. "

Vladamir stared at the trio trying to process. what they said and was trying to figure out that the Goddess had given one of them as his mate. He could feel the pull now that the danger was gone and they were all in this confined space together. His mate was here with him and he had no idea how the Witches would take it. So instead he asked the obvious question.

"How do you expect to manage peace between the three races? In case you haven't noticed we're at cival war where only one can come out on top."

They all grimanced with the same expression on their faces telling him they knew but didn't like it.

"There's an escape clause that the Goddess gave to her curse and only because the Gods called her out on being unfair in her punishment."

"What is it?"

"Mates. Two of us are to be mated and we don't know which two or even who to."

"Ah well I can answer that one." he stated looking at Seraphina as all three look confused before understanding dawned on her face and her eyes went wide.

"Me! And you!" her voice was barely a whisper but her brothers needed not hear her for her voice rang clear in their minds. They both burst out laughing in relief at it wasnt them (yet) and at their sister who was now scowling and muttering "of course it's me! It's always me!"

"Oh sister congratulations!" they laughed at her disbelief and Vlad sat there awkwardly for the first time in his exisitance not knowing what to do.

Next chapter