

In a store waiting for Sera to find a shirt, Lucien and the girls were chatting while they sat. It was just boring small talk as he didn't think they would know much. " So, the other day I saw the cutest top over at the shop on St. Agnes Street." Isabella squealed to the group. Lucien wanted to roll his eyes, but he was trying his best to be a gentleman. It's hard to keep your wits about you when you have cackling hens nearby. "Oh, what did it look like? I think I need a new top since Sera is getting one. Come let's look through the store to see what they have." Hannah suggested. She then got up to start looking at the clothes within the store and then Isabella followed. Lucien looked in the direction that Sera was in and then thanked God that the noise subsided.

Now is the time to plan the next move, yet all he could think of was Sera's wet shirt. 'Why the hell can't I get this image out of my head? I'm a guy, so I get it, but damn this woman and her allure.' While he was thinking of things he shouldn't think of Sera came out with a dissatisfied look and plopped down next to Lucien. "None of the shirts I tried on fit right and the coffee soaked my bra, so we need to go to a lingerie store to get that first." Sera blushed as she was speaking to Lucien about their shopping trip. Even though he looked stoic on the outside he was giddy as a little girl on the inside. He had an advantage over Jack and it was a sweet advantage that any hot blooded male would be excited over. The lingerie store was a man's favorite store as it gave women the lacey wrappings that men loved to rip apart.

"Do you need someone to help you with the fit or style? I could show you one of my personal fav--"

"No! That's not necessary, I have the girls to help with that. You can just watch our purses for us." She quickly pushed this idea out before he could turn a simple fitting into something much steamier. It's bad enough that she is extremely attracted to his dark hair and piercing green eyes. Not to mention his sleek muscular body. 'No, no, no. quit thinking of him holding you in those arms and quite thinking of those lips that want to be kissed' Sera seemed to be under a spell, but it wasn't magic, it was lust. Since she kept herself away from men generally, she never experienced the feelings of lust or even love. She knew the love of her friends and even her parents, but she had never felt the exhilaration of being in love.

There they sat waiting for the other girls to finish their shopping spree. Hannah walked up with an arm load of clothes and looked at the couple on the couch. " You guys look so good together! Eek! Anyway, why aren't you trying on? or did you buy something already? What did you buy?" Hannah fired off questions at the speed of light it seemed. "I have to get a new bra as this one is soaked, but I'm just waiting for you girls to finish so we can all go together." Seraphina explained while answering the questions the best way possible. Lucien looked over at the girls who were about to start what seemed like a never ending fashion show. I suggest that you two go to the lingerie store and get a bra and then we can meet at that new trendy store that I always forget the name of." Isabella said with a huge embarrassing smile on her face.

"That's what I said and she turned me down." Lucien folded his arms across his chest as a form of childish protest. The girls, excluding Sera, laughed at how cute Lucien could act and they wanted to pinch his cheeks. That's when Isabella sauntered over and did just that. "Ah. he's just so cute I can't resist. I just want to pinch his cheeks." Sera looked a little jealous of her friends attention to Lucien and then made the decision that she would take the pervert with her. "Okay, come on perv. You get to see me try on naughty things." She winked at Lucien, who's jaw was currently on the floor.

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