
The Gods.

I stood there on a cloud looking down at my old cabin.

I had returned to my godly form, orange hair with orange fading to white ends.

I just sighed and tied my hair back and changed my clothes to a wool shirt with a cardigan and some jogging pants and some glasses.

" A complete mistake. " I shook my head.

Who would've thought I died due to my own soul pressure on the body I created. It seems if I do that again ill have to consider the vassal's strength and if it can handle the soul pressure.

It seems I should gather some knowledge on mana, as I ownly made the force all the reactions caused by things like souls and magical energy actually existing have happened as natural occurrences.

I watched the scene of my children finding my body and them arguing, I can see a lot of viewpoints on the situation as an outsider looking in, on one hand Angel is right as shes in a panic and cant think rationally, on the other, she should have more trust in Daemon.

I teleported myself onto the entrance of the continent of gods and started looking at all the decorations the other gods have built in my absence of, what has it been, 12,000 odd years?

I grabbed a flower off the side of one of the quartz roads and smelt it.

" Mmm, not a fan. " The flower seemed to wither rapidly from just my denouncement of its scent.

It seems I'm a bit grumpy over the situation, usually, I wouldn't be so visceral, while I still have emotions I know I should try and keep them to myself whenever I'm not restraining my powers.

[ In The Elven Capital ]

There were rumors of an old witch going around for the last 7 centuries, just 400 years after the Elven capital city was established, it wasn't even the capital then.

But the rumor can be traced back to then, some said the old witch was a beautiful woman who could make even the most beautiful elf jealous, while other sources say its a old tree-ent using a human host to live in society, all sorts of rumors can be found and many stopped believing in it by now, because even if the old witch was real, what old witch has been around 7 centuries?

Answer, none they knew about.

But in house on the second floor of a living-building[1] sat a young woman who seemed to be in her twenties, brown hair with bright green eyes with a outline of hazelnut with almost ethereal like skin, she was currently reading the newest magazine from Elven Housing , which gave advice on how to match colors and set the decor of a room and advertised new furniture that was currently in style.

She put the magazine down and grabbed a ovular flat crystal and flowed magic through it, which connected to a piece of crystal that showed displays on a wide piece of normally see through glass.

This was this worlds version of television made through magical links. It used crystals that had mana signatures linking them to a nearby receiver crystal that ran all the way to a broadcast building, within that building was multiple capture crystals which had pre-made shows in them, it was while very rudimentary, it worked and was already a part of society, it was considered easy to make shows sense a magician could just edit the capture crystal with there magic, it needed no special techniques.

The crystals were considered the hard part and were a relatively new thing sense they used a massive crystal originally that had to be split up and used so they had a pre-made connection, but with the discovery of linking through mana-signature, watching stuff on the ManaNetwork became a thing around 800 years ago.

She sat down amazed as she thought back on the times where it was first made and pushed into society. She still sometimes gets amazed by what mortals can come up with and enjoys watching the ManaNetwork a lot.

" Uuugh, Im getting to lazy. " She dragged her face with her hands.

She didn't used to be like this, she was praised by many, she helped the spirits and nature of the planet grow where ever she went by. She talked to the other gods and they ruled like kings, until... ruling like a king became boring.

Sure its not bad to rule like a king your entire life but, its also not fun. She still remembers the last meeting she had with the gods 800 years ago, it was about this damn ManaNetwork she was watching right now, they talked about shows they like and what they expect to see in the future!

They barely resemble gods anymore, sure they keep up their image and have all their powers, but helping everyone just became impossible 4 centuries in, they used to help even the measliest little priest, and randomly blessed peasants ! But, 4 centuries in, there were SO MANY PRIEST, she couldn't do anything! How do you keep track of them all, so the gods decided at there next meeting they have to start putting more importance on who they blessed and who they just didn't have time for. Sure some peasants still got blessings but rarely, and even then they were just dragged into the church by the priest.

6 Centuries in, they didn't even bless peasants anymore, you were truly 1 in a million by now if they blessed you, she barely spent time blessing even her priest in the elven nation, the spiritualist in the pixies had better chances, simply because the reproduced less so she found more time for them.

Shes thought about this more and more for the last few years, even since she felt the presence of the Great God 18 years ago, its recalled her memories of being high and mighty and helping out.

She would consider it the greatest nostalgia trip of her life, but she soon got distracted from thinking when here favorite show came on the ManaNetwork,

' The Worlds most Dangerous Plants ' , a show where a wood elf who used to be a herbalist goes around and feels the poisons and sprays of all the worlds most dangerous plants.

[1] Living Building - This worlds version of an apartment complex

[2] The ManaNetwork works like so: A recording(capture) crystal will record all the scenes either in one-take or separate takes, and then a (usually experienced) magician will compile and edit the clips, and for big takes like movies, it can take multiple days to edit sense the magician regularly needs to supply mana to edit. It will then be set in the broadcast building which is connected to receiver crystals set up by the nation to most developed areas. The crystals can hold multiple mana-signatures so they can be used by multiple broadcast stations. The ManaNetwork receiver used by civilians are all bought from these stations and the stations resident mana-signature in them so they receive all the shows provided by said station.

There will be more very soon, within the week at MOST, at least by tomorrow.

The next few chapters will be providing some lore, some story, some personality, and other bits mainly on the other lower gods as I dont want my MC to be the only character I write about sense no good story revolves around the main character 100% of the time.

RestingTreecreators' thoughts
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