
What did Dara find?

The jeep stood nearby, the driver also joined in the fun. He used to work in special communications, so he knew how a metal detector works. And now, three treasure hunters, or rather two and their informer, began to search together.

A small masonry peeped out from the ground, centimeters 30 from the surface of the earth. It almost merged with the soil. Since it was those familiar European bricks. And to the east, bricks of the 10th century .. They were 40 centimeters long and about 25 cm wide and 2-3 cm thick. And they showed handprints, it was a kind of visiting card of the master.

The masonry only survived on the south side of the fort, moreover, only a meter and a half. The wall was about 80 cm thick.

The rest of the foundation was deeply buried in the ground, even 15 centimeters below the surface of the soil. That is why Dara and the company could not see this fort at first sight.

What is interesting, this fort was different from the others in that there were obviously vegetable gardens and no buildings near it. Dara imagined the 10th century, there is a majestic fort, brave warriors look far ahead from the loopholes, and there, under the walls of the fort, other soldiers plant a pumpkin with watermelons. It looks funny. Or maybe the gardens appeared later? You need to look in the archives, unless of course the data is preserved after numerous cleanings. In Small-Ahn, there was such a tradition that originated in the second empire. As the ruler changed, all his works and everything that was connected with him was burned and his name was permanently deleted from the history of the country. Along the way, other works that were not suitable for the ideological machine were burned, which destroyed the myths created by ideologists. Therefore, many hundreds of millions of documents in the archive were compiled, as well as tens of millions of books. It was practically impossible to find something, the other part was simply sold abroad. And they squandered embezzlement by saying that part of the materials said that they had burned during the purges. Some became rich, while others lost the history of their country. New generations no longer knew the real story, but lived on the myths of ideologists.

But on the other hand, part of the missing materials and documents could be found electronically in private institutions of capitalist European and Asian countries.

Therefore, to find something was very, very difficult. Well, and to hell with him, Dara did not want to write any doctoral work. All the same, the scientist's salary was unstable. In one case, the rulers of scientists curtailed, in the other they increased. But there was no stability. Financing for projects was reduced, sometimes it was frozen, the buildings of the research institute were taken away, valuable equipment was thrown into a landfill. Many scientists fled to other countries. And ordinary people preferred to cheat, since you had a sad future with Small-An. Since the elite was corrupt, she did not think about the interests of the people but simply stuffed her pockets and then ran away to live in the USA and the European Union.

In general, the salary was from 200 to 500 dollars. But if you were to be a simple trader and bring dried fruits, nuts and spices from Small-An, where it cost a penny, then in the former metropolis, it cost tens or even hundreds of dollars. Only on this difference could moeno make thousands of dollars. And on the way back, buy cheap things and shoes, which cost $ 5-8 in the former metropolis and sell in Small An for tens of dollars.

But in Small-An, monopoly, feudalism, protectionism and lobbyism flourished. Local monopolists were worried that their profits would become smaller and shoved into effect a law that practically nullified, shuttled trade, it was possible to import up to 3 kg of things and more was subject to 50 percent tax. A month later, the transportation of things without customs duty was reduced to 1 kg, and the duty became 200 percent.

So making money on this was already difficult. It was easier to be a farmer, and they earned more than a living. Who had to study for 20-30 years in order to get fewer people without education. Mock feudalism. Under such a system of values, an educated person was considered an enemy of the feudal lord.

So without thinking, there is too much about this, Dara was simply engaged in the study of treasures. This is interesting and brings a stable income.

Dara went to check the brickwork, Fang went to the gardens and the Snitch, that is, the driver to check the area inside the fort.

Each of them had their own luck.

Fang in the former gardens, immediately found a handful of coins. Copper coins of the first empire of 1857, 1878, 1898, 1805 Copper, nothing more than unusual, the price for each coin is 5-7 dollars. Then a good signal rang out in the field, 87. Silver! It was 15 cents of the second empire of 1898! It just cost about $ 49. Silver is nicer to find than copper. And gold is nicer to find than silver.

It is very rare when it is possible to find precious stones that would be stored in a gold or silver frame. Usually these were frames without stones. It so happened ...

Again there was a lot of garbage, iron and tin buttons, aluminum spoons, iron nails and the remains of penknives. The remains of buckets and even one cast-iron iron started the 20th century. Maybe these exhibitors would have decorated the collection of the museum of local lorebut they did not cost much. Is that 5-7 dollars. This is not what Fang expected to see.

But he stubbornly continued the search until what happened did not find an interesting find. At a depth of 30 cm, in a clay jug, there were mixed copper and silver coins of 1920-1924, the beginning of the second empire and one rare silver coin of 50 cents of 1927. It was issued on a gold base, but it was written on silver 900 samples. Such a single coin at an auction cost about $ 4,500. They were very difficult to find. Throughout the former second empire, they found no more than 210 pieces. They were numbered in the catalog. And with a larger crowd of people, Fang could have helped out up to $ 5,000, and quite easily!

It was a good find! It is interesting that some immediately and many find amazing finds, while others are nothing worthwhile. Probably this is some kind of natural flair in some it is better developed, while others have already forgotten about it.

The driver inside the fortress found three arrowheads from the 19th century arrows, five lead bullets from squeakers, several copper Pools of 1856 and 1845. For them, he could get $ 76 apiece, a rare coin. And also a mountain of garbage in the form of iron covers from mineral water and Pepsi-Cola. A couple of cans. Door lock a la 1950. The handle of the kitchen knife. Steelyard with a broken spring. A copper whistle without a ball. With a dozen two bearings. Steering wheel from a bicycle.

Apparently here in the places of the fort in the 1950s, collective farmers had picnics.

Well, what did Dara find?

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